Last Day on Earth

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Doctor POV

"Look Clara, I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do" I say loudly. Through the sound of the TARDIS

"You let it burn" she said tears streaming down her face

"I had to it's a fixed point in time. 2012. I'm sorry. I really am" I say

It was December 21st 2012 and it was a fixed point in time. The world was going to end. It seemed worse than alien invasions because now you knew that there was no hope in saving it. Solar flare. Is what hit the Earth, the military tried even U.N.I.T. Nothing. I had to save her. She was everything. I couldn't save anyone else. I – I just couldn't

"My – My parents, friends, siblings-All gone." She looks up at me and her face turns angry

"You! You could have saved them it's bigger on the bloody inside you could fit the whole world if you wanted to!" she says, she sighs and sits by the open doors of the TARDIS on her knees, sobbing quietly, staring out into space, the burning planet below us.

"I really am sorry" I say quietly, sitting down next to her

"So does this make me the last of my kind" she says quietly. She looks back at me sadly.

"I'm sorry" she says

"I shouldn't hav-" she says, but I cut her off

"It's fine, I get it a lot." She smiles

"But I just insulted you" She sniffs and stands up

"I'm gonna lie down" she says walking off, arms crossed, slowly walking. Not even waiting for an answer. I can't lie, I felt horrible. There was nothing I could do. I didn't know how to deal with this. I was a lone wolf when I lost my planet. No, I'm so selfish sometimes. I silently scold myself.


I decide to check up on Clara because she's been in her room for a few hours. I imagine being heart broken. I quietly and slowly walk towards her room. Thankfully, the TARDIS made the trip shorter. Thank you I say in my mind, the TARDIS beeps in response. I softly knock on Clara's door I hear a tiny voice and I open the door slowly. She is sitting in her bed, head buried in her knees which were brought up to her chest. All the lights were off, I turn them on a dim setting and walk over next to her. I sit down on her bed in front of her. I move my hand to move her messy hair from her face. She lifts her head slowly and I saw her eyes, red and puffy from cyring.

"I've seen the future, the Earth was still there. How?"

"Well I'll tell you this, it's the real deal, it's a fixed point I can't stop it from happening. But in thousands and thousands the world creates itself again and another version of Earth is created. New civilisations, starting all over again starting from the dinosaurs." I say quietly looking at her sadly.

"Unfortunately some planets don't ever come back" I say sadly

"I'm sorry for yelling before" Clara says stretching her legs out on the bed, looking guilty

"It's alright. I could have done something" then without warning she moves and hugs me tightly burying her head in the crook of my neck.

"As long as I have you" she says quietly. I go to move but she tightens her grip

"Don't leave" she says sternly silently sobbing into my shoulder.

"Never" I say quietly, going with it.


Oh hello. Welcome back! Oh who am I kidding this is a belated chapter it was supposed to be uploaded 3 days ago but meh. I have assignments due (tomorrow but procrastination bought me here) and tests to study for blurgh. Anyways please Comment below ideas because I'm unfortunately out. I will give you a shoutout/dedicate the chapter to you.


Have a fantastic day!


Whouffle One Shots (Clara + Doctor)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora