Déjà vu

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I'm watching the Angels take Manhattan (Yes THAT episode) during history. The teacher don't even care. Only because I finished my assignment early :P

And in this chapter, I may be unleashing the 'moffat' in me :) You have been warned! :P

Oh btw this is with the 12th Doctor.



Clara stepped out of the TARDIS, the cool breeze gently blowing across her face. She smelt the crisp air and looked around. From what she knew, she recognised that it was New York. "Uh, Doctor? Where are we?" Says Clara. There was no reply. Clara turned around. The Doctor was staring at a screen. Clara quickly realised something was wrong. She closed the TARDIS door and started walking slowly towards him. "Doctor?" She asks, looking into his eyes. His eyes were full of worry and sorrow, face pale and his wrinkled face sad. "Doctor what's wrong?" She manages to loosen the Doctor's grip on the screen handle and looked at it. "Doctor what's wrong?" Clara asks once more. The Doctor sighs. "This place-This time.I-" He stumbles on his words. The screen read: Location: New York Time: 2012. "I don't understand why she would bring me here again" Clara furrowed her eyebrows in confusion before pictures started appearing on the TARDIS screen. It showed a picture of a young female with bright ginger hair, fairly tall. "She's made of legs" Clara says, somewhat amazed and silently a little bit jealous that the woman was taller. Then the screen showed pictures of a tall, slim, man, young, wearing a nurse's uniform. A few more pictures were shown with the two people and the Doctor, before he regenerated. Then the screen turned off.

"Doctor? Who were those people?" Asks Clara, still confused but a little worried. The Doctor always had bad days but never really shown his emotions in front of her before. Something huge must be up. "Those people? The first faces that face saw. Where we are? Well, this is where and when they died." He says clearing his throat at the end. "Well, can't we go somewhere else, you know. Barcelona? Hawaii?" asked Clara, throwing ideas at him. "We can't, once we land, she won't let me go anywhere else". Both stood in silence for a little bit. "What happened to them?" Clara asks, feeling genuinely sorry for the Doctor. "Have you heard of weeping angels?" He asks. Clara shakes her head. "They're an extremely powerful special of quantum-locked humanoids. They're called that because their unique nature necessitated that they often covered their faces with their hands. They are almost as old as the universe itself. But when you look at them, they look just like normal statues of angels, but when you look away, even just blink-" At this point, the Doctor was practically looming over Clara. She stared into his eyes, "What? What happens?" Clara asks. The Doctor takes a step back. "They zap you back into the past, to live it out and die" he says summing it all up. "Well I'm up for a challenge" Says Clara, grinning. "Come on Doctor! You'll be by my side the whole entire time. Nothing will happen I swear. I'm staying. I'm not going anywhere" Says Clara smiling to reassure the Doctor. The Doctor never knew why but Clara had this.... Power. In which she could manipulate people and get her way. But in a nice way. She had him wrapped around her finger. The Doctor sighed in defeat. "Fine but I swear if anything happens-" "You heard me. Nothing is going to happen to me" Clara put her hand on the Doctor's cheek before turning around and heading out of the TARDIS.

ooOOoo ooOOoo

The whole day was filled with sightseeing and the usual. Clara was a little bit impressed and amazed how nothing was trying to hunt them down and kill them. It was a relaxing day. Well for Clara. The Doctor wouldn't relax until he knew Clara was safe in the TARDIS. Every time Clara would be near a statue of any kind, the Doctor would push her out of the way. They both sat down at a table in the middle of a park. That's when Clara decided to speak up. "So, New York. Great place" Clara smiled, hoping a slight bit of happiness might cheer him up. Unfortunately he sat there, just looking around as if worried. "Look if they move when nobody is looking at them, wouldn't it be more possible they'll be attacking at night?" Clara asks, voice dripping in an obvious tone. "Possibly" he replied. Clara stood up and the Doctor looked at her. "Where are we going now?" Asks the Doctor. "I think the correct question is where am I going?" "W-what do you mean?" "I mean that you are going back to the TARDIS and I'm continuing looking around." "I don't think so" The Doctor stood up. "Doctor I'll be fine, I'll be back in the TARDIS by night. And then we can just chill or something for the rest of the night" Clara looked up at the Doctor, resting her hand on his shoulder. "Fine. But if something happens to you, don't blame me for not being there" Said the Doctor in a low voice, he turned around heading in the direction of the TARDIS. Clara didn't like hurting his feelings. But she wanted him to relax, not that she expected him to relax at the TARDIS but at least it was somewhat an improvement.

Whouffle One Shots (Clara + Doctor)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon