Jack Harkness

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The Doctor and Clara were sitting around the console room discussing on where they should go for their next adventure.

"What about Barcelona?"

"What in spain? I don't konw"

"No not in Spain, the planet." said the Doctor matter-of-factly

"Wait there's a planet named Barcelona?" Said Clara eyebrows raised

"Of course there is, there's a planet for everything. Can we please go to Barcelona?" said the Doctor like a child who really wants a teddy bear from the store. Clara sighs and shrugs.

"Fine let's go to Barcelona" she said smiling slightly'

"Barcelona we go!" said the Doctor jumping from his seat and pressing buttons and flicking levers but before he got a chance there was another persons voice.

"Doctor? We are the only people on board right?" Said Clara slowly looking around

"Yes, why do you ask?" he says concerned

"I could have sworn-" Clara was cut off by the voice again. But it was a Male. The Doctor looked up from the console and sighed. The man walked into the console room.

"You've re-decorated! I don't like it" said the man scrunching his face up

"Jack what are you doing here?" said the Doctor disappointed

"Just thought I'd pop by for a visit. And my word, who is this young, beautiful woman you have here" Said Jack looking towards Clara making her blush.

"I'm sorry but who are you?" Asks Clara

"Doctor, how rude, you haven't even mentioned me to you girl here. I'm very disappointed in you" Jack turns around to Clara.

"My name Miss is Jack Harkness, an old friend of the Doctor." he said smiling widly making Clara blush again.

"Nice to meet you but we were about to go somewhere" said the Doctor interrupting their staring contest

"Oh well, Can I come I want to know more about your friend here. What's your name?"

"I'm Clara I umm travel with the Doctor" she said shyly.

"Go away Jack" said the Doctor massaging his temples

"Doctor, don't be rude. C'mon just for today" she said pleading

"No this is our Wednesday and I was kind of looking forward catching up with you today"

"For me?" said Clara battering her eyelashes. The Doctor sighed in defeat

"Fine, but if it starts getting mushy then he can go back home. Okay?"

"I can't promise the no mushy part" said Jack quietly to Clara making her giggle

"But okay let's go to.."

"Barcelona" said Clara holding onto the railing


They had reached Barcelona safely and alive. Clara stepped out of the TARDIS absolutely amazed by her surroundings. Jack followed, then the Doctor.


They had spent all day at Barcelona looking at the wildlife and eating the food but the Doctor felt like an outsider. They were now in the TARDIS console room sitting around talking about their experience. The Doctor felt something he hadn't really experienced before but he wasn't sure if it was a normal thing or not. He had come to the conclusion that he was jealous. For 2 years he's been trying to get the girl and Jack just walks in and with in 5 minutes he's got the girl. He sighed.

"Problem?" Asked Clara

"No, well, not really" he said grinning walking off into the hallway of his room.

Clara stood up from her seat with Jack and followed the Doctor

"Okay, you've been like this all day. Spill" Said Clara looking concerned

"It's just Jack. Every time he drops by he always tries to flirt everybody, even me!" he said throwing his hands in the air making Clara laugh at his childish remark. He sighs and Clara's smile slowly fades away.

"It's just i've been trying to get you to like me for 2 years and he waltzes by and gets you to like him in 5 minutes. I guess I'm a bit....Jealous. Look I've wanted to tell you this for a while but I love you and seeing him with you having a great time sort of hurt" he said looking Clara straight in her eyes.

"So you think that Jack is trying to steal your girl? Aha! That's funny, but seriously chin-boy I'm still yours. I love you too. and I have for the longest time but never said anything" The Doctor grinned slightly and Clara mirrored. The Doctor hugged Clara tightly making her wince a bit. After a few minutes she stood on her toes and kissed him on the lips. The Doctor flailed his arms around for a while but soon realised where they should go. He placed his hands around her waist enjoying their tight embrace. They stopped when they heard sarcastic clapping coming from down the hall. They let go of each other and turned around to see Jack standing there clapping slowly with a smile on his face.

"aww you two are cute together" he says laughing. The pair blushed not only from being called a cute couple but also equally from embarrassment.

"Looks like my job is done" Said Jack taking his vortex manipulator and zapping out of the TARDIS

"You mean he-" said Clara being cut off from the Doctor

"No, he couldn't have. He-"

"oh my god he did. He set us up!" Shouted Clara

"I'm going to kill him!" said the Doctor

"But not right away though"

"nah!" said the Doctor spinning around kissing a surprised and off guard Clara


hey guys hope you liked this chapter. I've started writing this part on and off for a few days unsure of how to write it but I did it! Hope y'all liked it.(I JUST LOVE THE GIF THAT I POSTED ON THIS XD) I promise I will come up with better ideas soon but I've been super busy trying to get ready for back to school in a few more weeks. (I'm Australian, we don't start till end January early Feburary whoopps). My Mum is crazy at this time of year. Trying to get bargains on uniforms and paper work. ARGGGHH. But anyways I've been busy getting ready for school I haven't really been able to sit down and think about Whouffle. Sowwy. Anyways hope you like it! Oh and have a fantastic day. Don't forget to Comment below some more ideas. I have a few thanks to some lovely commentors.

~WhouffleSweetie <3

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