Abused and Hurt

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WARNING!: swearing is present in this story. Just thought I'd let u know :)
Read at own risk!

(Good to listen to Trouble by Coldplay)

Clara POV
So there's this guy that I've been dating for about 2 years. Well we're married now. We married about 6 months ago. At first he was the most sweetest guy you could ever meet.
Then we married. He started hurting me, calling me names and wouldn't let me go anywhere. Even if it was with my friends. The ones he trusted. His name was Tristan. Tonight was his gambling night. Meaning I had to be in my room and act like I don't exist until he calls me. His cover up story was that I was his paid maid. So I pretty much had to do as he says. I went into the bathroom to clean my face. Earlier on I gave him a sandwich but I accidentally put mayonnaise on it and he cut my cheek. I washed all the blood from my face and sighed. The doctor didn't know about my abusive relationship. He only knew as much as I told him. Which was that I was dating a man named Tristan. He was hesitant at first and informed me that he had to do a criminal check. Turns out it was erased. Every week I would sneak out into the TARDIS while he was at work, and he would ask me about my scars. I always blame it on a cat I bought. He always said he believed me every time he asked. But deep down I knew he didn't trust Tristan and knew that my scars weren't from a cat. It saddened me.
"Clara!" I heard a slurred yell come from downstairs. I sigh and go into the basement and find Tristan with his dickhead friends with a thick cloud of smoke hovering in the air and the stench of alcohol filled my nostrils instantly making me sick.
"Yes sir" it was important that I address him as 'sir' when he was with his friends.
"Fetch us all a beer each. That's 6 in case you can't count dumbass" he slurred out
It was the end of the gambling night and his friends left our house smelling of alcohol and smoke from cigarettes. I was in my pyjamas brushing my hair.
"Come here babe" says Tristan as he was lying down in bed. I walk over to the bed and get in. And I fall asleep. I wake up to a sharp pain in my leg. I wake up screaming. I look over and see Tristan slapping my leg. (Now if you don't know he's a bodybuilder so he's really strong and he slaps hard.)
"What the hell Tristan?" I say caressing my leg
"Get up and make food now! I'm hungry" I sigh and get dressed in some simple clothes. The usual. A he checkered dress with some combat boots. I was grateful that Tristan let me get dressed before making food. He lay in bed shouting at me of I didn't cook fast enough or that it smelt burnt. He sat down at the dining table and picked at his food. I heard the TARDIS noise and I feel like a bunch of weight just lifted off of my shoulders. Tristan looks at me.
"Where you going?" He says harshly
"Out" I say quietly
"I don't think you are!" He said sternly. And before I knew it I was in so much pain. I had cuts and bruises all over my body. Much more worse than last time I saw the Doctor. Great. I think to myself. He's gonna think that something is up. I get up from the ground quickly and dashed to the TARDIS. Slamming the doors shut behind me. I take a deep breath and look over at the Doctor. He looks at me worried. Even more worried than last time I saw him.
"Why didn't you tell me" he says sternly walking over to me quickly
"Because I didn't want you to freak out!" I say crying from pain and bottled up emotions
"I would have helped you! You could have gotten out of this situation!" He is practically yelling at me and deep down I know I deserve. He was only helping.
"And this is why! You freak out and try to help! What if I don't want your help!" I yell. The doctor scans me with his sonic screwdriver
"Oh trust me you do" he puts his arm up like he's going to slap me. I quickly cover my face with my Arms in defence. I soon realised that nothing happened.

"Why did you think I was going to hit you?" I let a tear roll down my face
"I-I-I don't know" I say suddenly breaking down in tears. The doctor pulls me into a hug and I cry into his chest. He quietly shushes me and tells me that everything is okay and that I was under his protection. Soon enough we just stood there. Hugging each other in a tight, safe embrace

"Everything's going to be okay. You're under my protection. That idiot doesn't deserve you" he rubs my back
"I never want to leave" I say looking up at him emerald eyes
"As long as you like" he says kissing my forehead making me feel safer than I ever did before.
Wow! Depressing chapter. This chapter and the next are a bit.....different. They are a bit more depressing but I promise the one afterwards is happy and fluffy!!
Hope u guys enjoyed!

-have a fantastic day!

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