Coming to Terms

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Clara and the Doctor are confused as to how to come to terms on how they feel for each other. Clara is worried about what would happen if they were in a relationship. She doesn't want to ruin a perfect friendship.

New schedule starting next week!:

One Shots: Monday; Thursday

Sherlock: Friday

Arianna Smith (Re-Written): Wednesday

New updates on schedule will be on my profile :)


The only sound to be heard was the low hum of the TARDIS and the occasional buzz of a sonic screwdriver. Clara was sitting in a chair comfortably watching the Doctor fiddle with the TARDIS mechanics. It was a lazy day, but she needed it. She had been marking kids work all weekend and needed a break from reality. Thankfully the Doctor understood. She sat there, hands loosely crossed across her chest. She was quite content. So content that it had gotten to a point where she didn't even know how long she had been staring at him for. But she didn't care. She was quite comfortable in the quiet, relaxing environment she was in. The Doctor didn't seem to mind too much, he zapped, beeped and whacked bit of the TARDIS fixing something. He likes to do maintenance every second week. Sometimes if both had just had a big adventure and the TARDIS took a bashing, he would maintain it every week. Depended on what he felt at the time.

She had lots of thoughts. But the main thought or question she'd been having lately is her relationship with the Doctor. She understood that they were really close friends but she didn't know how he felt. It seemed more of an open relationship. Where they both could date other people and it wasn't secluded. But they weren't in a romantic relationship. That's where Clara often felt confused. They would flirt, but was it friendly flirting? These thoughts often confused her and she didn't know whether she should ask him or not. She had thought that it would be best if she didn't because what would happen if they did start 'dating' and they found that they weren't compatible? They would have then soiled a perfectly good friendship. But then again she was scared that if she did ask, he would completely shrug it off and ignore her and not want to give an answer. And that he would sort of loose all respect that they have built over the past year of travelling through time and space. She sighed and sat back in her chair, trying to rid the thought out of her head

Doctor POV

I thought of a lot of things. Like what would happen if a dalek was in a snow tundra? Would they freeze? Or what would happen if I had a pet adipose. No but think about it, little baby fat things running around. I told Clara one time and she gave me a weird look and continued doing what she was doing. I already have a list of names ready for when I adopt one. Fluffy, Gandalf, Fred and Bilbo Some of the many names I have come up with. But there was always that one thought that would always seem to make it's way through all of that. A big thought that would keep me up till all hours thinking about. Not that I slept often anyway. It wasn't about silly little pets or random questions about my many foes, but about where Clara and I stood. Were we friends? Were we in a relationship? Or were we just really close? We would flirt but we wouldn't do anything past that. I didn't want to ask because what would happen if I asked and she didn't agree? What if she thought i was weird and that this is what I do all the time with my companions? Of course I don't, Clara is the closest thing to me and she is my everything and if anything were to get in the way I would surely......well....I don't know what i would do but it would be bad! Who am i kidding? Time-lord rules and all. But she, she is my impossible girl and it frustrates me everyday that I can't get the words out or get the courage to ask. But for the sake of our friendship, I won't ask and I won't bring it up. Hopefully things will solve themselves in the long run.


Ugh it is so hard to write a decent story without my computer lagging and being 5 words behind. Anyways. This is a short......meaningful? Chapter where the Doctor have always had some sort of feelings for each other and they didn't want to soil a perfectly fine friendship. I guess the moral of the story is that it doesn't matter the consequences just ask??? I don't know....I'm not much of a moral issue person.....I'm so excited to see Season 9 Episode 2/part 2 of ep 1 tomorrow. Yass! Can't wait. i have theories but i don't know if they're right or not. Probably not. Although I have been called Moffat on a few occasions.....*evil laugh*

Stay beautiful! Peace. Love. Happiness. Have a fantastic day!


Whouffle One Shots (Clara + Doctor)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin