
504 18 3

Prompt By: Doctorwhofan97

Thanks for all the feedback (soufflé love story) *Cough* *cough* I legit feel like Satan xD. (No updates till later on in week from study reasons. I have a crap ton of tests and assignments next week.) Anyways I hope you’re having a great day/night/evening. Also before I start I’d sorta like to ask you guys to check out someone’s profile/works. I don’t usually do this but this is an old friend of mine and I’d like for you to give her a shot. She doesn’t do whouffle but she does ‘Some’ doctor Who stuff. So uh yeah :)

USERNAME: mizorerhodina (You would have to search it) so uhh thanks :)



Clara POV

The TARDIS landed and the Doctor and I smiled at each other. This was our one year anniversary of dating and he wanted to do something special. He told me it had something to do with winter, hence the current attire. I had a jacket, leggings and boots on. He insisted on going here and jumped like a 5 year old when I agreed. He grabbed my hand and led me out of the doors. The TARDIS was thankfully, nice today and landed us at the right place. Frankly the Doctor seemed relieved so did I. Finally a day where we can relax and be by ourselves. No danger. No Daleks, Cybermen, Autons nothing. I sighed of relief. The Doctor looked at me and smiled. I was so tied up in thinking about danger I didn’t actually have a proper look of this place. This place was amazing, as usual. It was like a winter wonderland.

“Inhabitants?” I ask curiously

“Nope. Abandoned thousands of years ago”

“I wonder why”

“Frostbite” we both laughed and he led me through the snow and showed me around.

“Have you been here before?”

“Nope just know my stuff” he said tapping his head and smiling again.


He had shown me around some mountains and some creatures which have adjusted to the cold. They were like penguins but could fly. They seemed to be the only creatures here but they were surprisingly quite cute. We then saw a frozen lake up ahead. I point to it and led both of us to it. He quickly caught on with what I wanted to do and led us to a cabin. It was a small wooden cabin enough for two people. To be honest I found it a bit romantic. He hands me two ice skates and grabbed two for himself.

“Aren’t we stealing?”

“No this place is abandoned isn’t it? Plus I built this”

“You built this?” I say pointing to it

“Yeah it was at a time where I was on vacation. With a few oods”


“You’ll meet them eventually”


“Well in our future adventures I hope. Very spiritual and wise creatures. Kind of have dangly things from their mouths” I couldn’t help but laugh when the Doctor did an impression of them. I kind of remember what they look like from saving past Doctor’s but not enough to really form a face. We finally reach the lake again and take off our boots and replaced them for skates. I knew those skating lessons would come in handy. When I was just a kid, maybe 7 years old? I convinced my Mum to pay for ice skating lessons. She said I wouldn’t use it in the future but she couldn’t stand seeing me frown so she agreed. I only took about 3 lessons before I ended up breaking my leg. To this day it’s been a bit weak. But not enough to stop me from doing any normal things.

There were rocks outlining the frozen lake as a bit of a barrier. I got onto the ice and stabilised myself. I started moving forward and turned around to see the Doctor. I thought it was the cutest thing ever. He looked like a puppy learning to walk for the first time. He slid everywhere. I laughed and moved towards him and gave him a hand. He gladly took it and started making his way around. He occasionally fell over a few times. But this time bringing me down with him. We sat there on our bottoms laughing our heads off. He kissed my forehead making me blush a tad. Even though we’ve been dating for almost a year, his kisses always make me blush. Him too. I lean in a peck his lips. We decide skating is a bit dangerous knowing the Doctor. We took the skates off and carried them as we adventured on more. The Doctor trailing behind.

Suddenly I feel something being thrown at me, I turn around and see the Doctor holding back a smile walking forward. I eye him cheekily and continue walking. Then I feel it again, hearing a laugh burst out in the Doctor’s direction. I turn around and throw a snowball back at him. Sending him falling to the ground laughing. We continue throwing snow at each other until eventually we decide to build a snowman. We were in the middle of building one when the Doctor randomly and out of the blue started singing.

“Do you wanna build a snowman? Come on let’s go and play! I never see you anymore, Come out the door-“

“Don’t you dare” I say cheekily

“What? I think Frozen is a perfect movie for this day” he says proudly. I couldn’t help but laugh.

We had finished the snowman and the fight and were now sitting in front of a fire with a mug of hot chocolate. I like winter but sometimes I miss being in summer, in the heat. The Doctor was entertaining me with stories of his past selves. For starters he got a bit peeved because I would finish the story off and using the excuse of

“I was there”

Finally he told me about different races and planets. Something I’ve been thoroughly interested in since I met the Doctor. In the middle of the conversation I would randomly doze off lost in his eyes but them quickly snap out of it and try to figure out what he was talking about. Something I’ve been doing lately. But he didn’t seem to mind. Considering he does the same to me at times.

The day ended with us curled up in front of the fire with blankets and using each other as pillows. I nestled my head in a crook in his neck smelling his sweet scent. It always sent tingles down my spine but also made me feel comfortable, knowing he was right there. He had an arm placed protectively over my hip. I look up and see him sound asleep. I sigh as I pull the blanket over me and fell asleep in our embrace.


Hope you enjoyed!
Have a safe and fantastic day!

~WhouffleSweetie <3

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