Cuts and scars

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Okay so I feel like fudging satan. I really do. So I promise that this might be the last 'feeling killer' chapter for a bit. I have a few more happier ideas lined up! So uhh yeah sorry. I am in that horrible mood where you're tired but you can't sleep and you feel like crying. I as a normal whouffle/whouffaldi person watched YouTube. I knew I had to update so I added the video that caught my attention and realllyyyy touched my heart. When the music starts I teared up a bit but that's me for you!
Anyways this chapter includes a bit of self harm, so if this is a sensitive subject you have been warned. Here isn't much detail just because I didn't want to go into detail so yeah :)
Clara POV
It has been at least 8 months since I last saw the Doctor. It had been just a normal Wednesday adventure. You know the usual.
"Next Wednesday?"
"I'll be there!" He says with a smile as I step out of the TARDIS.
I usually live alone but lately George has told me to stay with him and the kids to keep me safe. Ever since I realised he wasn't coming back I started getting more and more depressed. And as a depressed person feels, they feel like they are alone and don't have anyone to be with. Despite having a bunch of friends who care for you and possibly a boyfriend/husband. That's how I feel. I feel lost, I feel like there's no purpose in anything anymore. Nothing really makes me happy anymore. It's a bad habit but I've started making small cuts on my wrists when I get too depressed or start thinking about the doctor. George has gotten concerned and asked the kids to keep an eye on me. Each day they tell me I'm special and that I mean the whole world to them. I know that. I still feel like I'm alone in this world. I wouldn't care about the doctor if he just called but no. No phone calls or messages just, nothing. Today I've decided it was the day that it would end. The day the pain will end. The day I feel nothing but numbness. If the doctor was dead then I shall join him. I've been having these thoughts for months. I've seen counsellors I've been to doctors. But nothing has worked. I've gone to care groups that deal with these types of things. I tried talking to Dad but he couldn't care less because he never liked the Doctor and blamed it all on him.

I walk downstairs to the kitchen I take out a small cutting knife and I slip it into my pocket when I hear footsteps. I look over to the lounge room and see Artie with a bad slung over his shoulder, looking at me worriedly.
"Where you off to?" I ask curiously
"Going to Benjamin's place for a science project, his mothers outside waiting"
"Okay be safe call me when your ready" he nods his head and closes the door with a sigh. I start to feel bad and think about what I was going to do. I think about what the doctor would think of me in this situation. I shut my eyes tightly and I grab the knife and make a small cut on my leg. I let out a small moan of pain and I look over to Angie who had tears in her eyes watching me.

"Clara you have to stop doing this"
"It's none of your concern Angie"
"What would the doctor think of you?"
"He's gone Angie! I think I've realised that! I don't give a hoot about what he would think of me!" My face falls and I feel scared. I've never lashed out before. I sigh and put the knife back in my pocket and walk up to my room. Leaving Angie behind. I could here her voice and it was shaky and I could tell she was about to cry. I didn't care I lock the door and take out the knife and stab it into my right hip. I let out a loud yell in pain. It'll all soon be gone. I think to myself
Doctor POV
I was in the TARDIS when I heard the phone ring. I open the door and I grab he phone and walk back into the TARDIS.
"H-hello" I say

"D-D-Doctor, please help it's Clara" i could easily tell it was Angie. she sounded scared and I knew she was very rarely scared. 

"Okay i'll be there soon! Hang on!" I quickly hung up and flicked levers. 

"Come on girl! please" I say pleading to the console.

She's been grumpy lately and won't let me see Clara. I have no idea how long for though. She gives in and she lands. I quickly open the door and rush to the front door of the Maitland residence. I only knew she was here because the TARDIS tracked the call. I jiggle the door knob and realise it's unlocked. i open the door and see Angie outside of Clara's bedroom door.

"In there" she says as a tear rolls down her face. i gesture for her to leave the house. I sonic the door knob and I bashed through the door seeing Clara on the ground with a knife in hand and her arms shaking. I run over to her and take her in my arms. i look back at Angie and gesture for her to call an ambulance. She nods her head and runs down the stairs. I pick up Clara who had a puddle of blood under her. My brain goes wild. Why did she do this? Why didn't she tell me? I hear sirens in the distance and I carry Clara bridal style and run out of the house. I see an ambulane and I hand her over to the nurses.


Clara POV

I feel a shot of pain in my right hip and I scrunch up my face in pain. My eyes flutter open and my eyes met with the Doctor. Wait what?! I sit up in the bed and in response earn a huge shot of pain everywhere. The Doctor looks at me worried.

"Why?" He manages to choke out

"I-I-I' I couldn't get words out

"You can't believe how freaking worried i was Clara. You could have died"

"Well obviously I didn't" I say lying back down on the bed and stretch

"Why do you have scars" he says placing a hand on a few scars I had on my lower hip. i sigh.

"You never came back. i thought you were dead"

"It wasnt my fault. the TARDIS wouldn't let me come back. She only just let me come to save you"

I let a tear roll down my face.

He walks over to me and lies down next to me on the bed playing with my hair as I soon let my eyes shut for sleep

Hey all! I might be related to Moffat because I'm fricken satan! Atleast I brought Clara back. My friend said that she should have just died and that the Doctor shouldn't have saved her. Of course i let her come back because the Doctor would always come back for her. I'm working on a few whouffle vids. One with a song and another video relating to me story A Souffle Love Story. Anyways

Have a safe and fantastic day!

~WhouffleSweetie <3

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