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Haii all!! I'm back! Well not really,

Lately I've been taking a break just so I could come up with new ideas and just take care of myself. I also like to think of it as a way of celebration.....because I hit 2K reads on SLS and 5K (almost 6 now) on my One Shots and I am super happy and thankful!


I'm officially back in action on Monday (start of school term 2 woo! Notice the sarcasm)
And I'll be back with some fresh new ideas and I have some more ideas for SLS and the day I met the doctor. Coming soon to a Wattpad near you
I'm so lame💩💩

Anyways just thought I'd let you know. Ooh could you also check out my ranting book?? It has a bit of swearing in it but I would really really really appreciate it if you did! So thanks in advance

Have a fantastic day!! I'll see you Monday! 😊🎉💩


(Oh and sorry for the spamming of emojis. NO EMOJIS WERE HURT IN THE TYPING OF THIS AUTHORS NOTE) 👍👍

Whouffle One Shots (Clara + Doctor)Where stories live. Discover now