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I knock on Haymitchs door for the second time this morning.

It told us he would watch willow and noah while me and peeta were at the doctors.

But because it's Haymitch he's not answering.

"Do you think he's still as sleep?" I ask looking at peeta who's standing behind me.

"One way to find out." he says stepping infront of me.

He's just about to knock again when the door flys open.

It catches peeta off guard and he nearly falls making willow and noah laugh.

"Morning Haymitch, sleep in?." I smile watching as willow and Noah attack his legs before sitting on his feet.

"I was taking a shower actually." he says making my jaw drop.

"Wow what's happening?" I wonder since he doesn't usually shower.

"Nothing, just wanted to freshen up." he smiles hugging willow and Noah.

"Okay we better go, il see you later." peeta smiles taking my hand in his.

"Have fun love birds and good luck." he smiles before shutting the door.

We talk a short walk through the victors village into the town.

It's quite a windy day but peeta bought me a new thick coat two days ago.

We phoned Annie, Joanna and gale last week to tell them about the pregnancy.

They were all so excited and couldn't wait to meet him/her.

Johanna again made a comment about how we were having another 'brainless baby'

Gale still hasn't got a girlfriend but it will happen.

Come to think of it I don't think Johanna has a boyfriend.

Hmm maybe they will be good together.

"What you thinking about?" Peeta wonders snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Gale and Johanna, think they'll be good together?" I ask squeezing his hand.

"Is someone match making?" Peeta smirks making me laugh.

"Maybe." I reply before another thought comes to my head.

"Do you think gus will be okay?" I ask hopefully.

"He's locked in his room remember." peeta says making me nod.

Oh yeah.

I forgot that we got gus a gate for his room so he could still walk around but not break anything else in the house.

"Were here." peeta says making me stop suddenly.

I hadn't realised that we had arrived at the doctors.

"You ready?" Peeta asks sounding nervous.

"Yeah I guess." I answer and we step inside.

We head to the counter and a young woman looks up at us.

"Hello" she smiles and I smile back.

"Hello, I made an appointment for today at 11." I answer and she looks through the notes.

"Just take a seat and wait for your name to be called." she smiles and we nod before taking a seat.

"She must of knew who you were." peeta says confusing me.

"How you know?" I question.

"She didn't ask for your name." he replies and I understand.

After about 5 minuets I hear my name been called and me and peeta stand up

We walk to the room in the corner and are greeted by the same woman who told me I was pregnant.

"Hello again." she smiles kindly.

"Hello." I say showing a smile back as she shakes Peetas hand saying hello to him.

"So how have you been?" She wonders taking out a note pad.

"I've been great apart from the morning sickness which is making me tired." I answer and she nods.

"That's normal, have you had any pain anywhere?" She wonders looking up at me.

"Nope, I haven't had any pain." I reply honestly.

"Okay since you are 18 weeks we can find out the gender and hear the heart beat if you like." she asks and I stand up without thinking.

"Sure." I say excitedly sitting on the bed she's pointing at.

I hear peeta laughing at how excited I am before he stands to sit on the chair next to me.

I'm not really fussed what gender the baby is.

I've already got a little boy and girl so I don't mind.

As long as the baby is healthy.

Ooo what do you think she's having?

Another girl?

Or another boy?

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