Ready for the meadow

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I wake up to the sun shining through the window.

I lie peacefully well aware peeta hasn't left for the bakery yet.

I hear noah shouting from his and Willows bedroom.

I get up slowly removing peetas arm trying not to wake him.

I walk down the hallway into my babies bedroom to see noah standing up on his bed.

"Momma." he shouts once he sees me.

Even though he's been really loud and might wake peeta or willow I can't help but smile.

"Shh baby." I say picking him out of his cot.

"How's my little man this morning? You okay?." I ask him and he answers nodding his head.

I see willow is still sleeping so I decide to get noah ready for the day.

I peak out of the curtains to see its bright and sunny, perfect for the meadow.

I change Noah putting on some shorts and a t shirt before setting him back in his cot.

Before I can wake willow he beautiful blue eyes open to meet my grey ones.

"Hi willow." I say carefully getting her out of her cot since she's still sleepy.

I lie her on the changing nat and get her ready before I hear a voice.

"You want any help?" peeta asks coming into the room.

"I'm fine, were nearly sorted." I reply dressing willow into a summer dress.

"Wow you look pretty." peeta says kissing her cheek.

"Morning beautiful." he says kissing mine.

"Morning, can you watch them while I get dressed?." I ask looking at him for the first time today.

"Of course, il take them for breakfasts before I go to the bakery." peeta says smiling.

I leave the room to get ready in mine and peetas room.

I suddenly feel bad for not really paying attention to him.

I mean he hasn't done anything wrong yet has he?

I decide to have a very quick shower since I didn't have time last night.

I wash my hair and my body before stepping out into the cold floor.

I brush my hair letting my naturally curly hair fall.

I use the hairdryer to take off most of the water leaving my hair damp but not soaking.

Should try quicker this way.

Once I'm finished I leave to meet willow, Noah and peeta downstairs.

As soon as I walk into the kitchen I hear peeta talking away to willow and Noah who aren't answering.

Instead they are munching on toast and drinking milk.

Luckily peeta put their bibs on them because they are a mess.

"Looks like they are enjoying that." I say making peeta turn around.

"Do you want some toast?." Peeta wonders hugging me from the side.

"I'm fine thanks." I answer siting in between Noah and willow.

"Okay babe I'm going now but il be back as soon as I can" peeta says pecking my lips.

"Have fun." I answer smiling at him.

"Always" he replies.

I clean up willow and Noah before getting them ready to Leave.

I place them into the double pushchair and grab a bag containing a few things willow or Noah may need.

"Right ready to go." I smile putting the bag on the back of the pushchair.

I open the front door pushing willow and Noah out.

I close the door taking a deep breath before leaving for the meadow.

Hoping no drama will happen.

You love me real or not real?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat