2nd birthday

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I wake up when I hear willow shouting mommy.

I turn over to see peeta is already awake looking at me.

"What time is it?" I ask sitting up.

"Nearly 8, considering I thought they'd be up earlier." peeta smiles and we climb out of bed.

We open the door to willow and Noahs room to see them both standing up inside their cots.

"Hi babies, happy birthday." I smile walking inside to give them both a kiss.

Peeta soon follows behind me and kisses both of their cheeks.

"You want to go downstairs and see what you got?" I ask bouncing willow on my hip.

"Yeyyy." they both cheer making me and peeta chuckle.

We walk downstairs to see my mom and gale already up sitting talking on the sofa.

"Morning you lot." my mom smiles when she sees us.

"Morning mom and Gale." I answer with a smile.

They come over to say happy birthday to willow and Noah while peeta gets their presents out.

I sit willow on my knee and peeta does the same with Noah.

"This ones for willow" peeta smiles handing me a present to give to willow.

"And this one is for noah" peeta says placing Noahs present in front of him

With some help willow and Noah manage to open all of their presents.

Willow takes a liking to her new doll straight away as does Noah with his car set.

We hear a knock on the door and my mom leaves to answer it.

I hear some talking then loud footsteps coming into the living room.

"Happy birthday." Finn shouts running over to hand willow and Noah their presents.

"Say thank you willow and Noah." peeta says tapping Noahs stomach lightly.

"Thank you." they both shout interesting in the new presents.

Seconds later Annie and Johanna appear a long with Effie, Haymich and my prep team.

They all come over to give willow and Noah their presents as well as wish them a happy birthday.

After some time, willow and Noah play with Finn while me and peeta start on lunch for everyone.

We decide to make a quick picnic dinner since it will be easier.

Also people are traveling back home tonight so they wouldn't want something heavy resting on the stomach all day.

"Katniss." I hear peeta say from behind me.

"Yeah?" I ask continuing to chop up cheese into small cubes.

"Look." he says and I can hear the smile in his voice.

I turn around and walk over to where he is standing.

"Oh my gosh." I say looking at the cake he has designed and made.

"It's amazing, your so talented." I say taking a good look.

It's a cake that's halved, it has a car on one side for noah and Peppa pig on the other for willow.

It's one of the best cakes I have ever seen in my life, its amazing.

"I'm glad you like it." he smiles happy at what he's achieved.

"Like it? I love it! Great job." I say leaning up to kiss him.

"So when's lunch ready?" I hear Haymich asks making me jump back.

Did he really have to interrupt our moment?

"Now." I reply and he grins walking into the living room.

"We will continue later." peeta smiles just as everyone rushes into the kitchen.

They all take a seat around the table and since its picnic and you can get what you want, peeta tells everyone just to dig in.

We eat and talk about a few different things generally enjoying the time we have all together.

After we finish we sit willow and Noah near the table so they can see the cake.

I turn off the lights and peeta lights the candle saying "two today"

"Ready?" Peeta shouts and everyone nods.

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Willow and Noah
Happy birthday to you

"You going to blow out the candle?" I ask encouraging them.

At first they are confused but once they understand they lean forward and blow the candle out.

"Yeyyyy." everyone cheers making willow and Noah both smile.

Me and peeta pick willow and Noah up giving them a huge hug and a big kiss.

"Good job" I smile to both kids.

"Who wants some cake?" Peeta ask and Finns the first to answer.

"Meeeeeee." he shouts and Annie looks at him.

"Finn what did I say about manners" she says giving him a look.

"Oh me please." he says making Annie smile.

"That's better, good boy." she says moving apart of his hair out of his face.

Peeta hands out the cake and everyone enjoys it especially willow and Noah.

"Wipes please." I say holding up willow and Noahs hands

They both decided the best place to eat the cake was right on my lap.

I seem to be wearing more of it then they ate.

Peeta laughs before standing up to get the wipes.

Hi cleans willow and Noahs hands before handing one to me.

"You not doing to clean my hands?" I ask with a grin.

"Oh you big baby." he says getting another wipe and rubbing my hands clean.

He then proceeds to clean around my mouth where it was perfectly clean.

"Thank you peeta." I say in a baby voice.

"Your welcome baba." peeta smirks in the same tone.

I take a moment to look around at my family.

They may not all be my complete family by blood but they are my second family and mean everything to me.

I think of prim, my little duck and I know she will be happy that I'm happy.

I know because she had such a loving heart, she wouldn't want me to be sad all day.

I wish everyday that she could be here with me.

But I know she's safe up there with my dad, Finn, Rue and everyone else who sadly died in the war.

I know they will all be smiling down on their family's and that makes me happy.

I catch peetas worried gaze and I smile to reassure him I'm fine.

He smiles that same smile that always makes my stomach flutter.

I watch as my two children play with Finn and how glad I am to have them with me.

They are my everything. Just like Peeta.

You love me real or not real?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن