Trip to the capitol?

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"Peeta is that the phone ringing?" I ask turning over to nudge my husband.

"Mmm, I don't hear anything" he says wrapping his arm around me pulling me closer.

"I'm sure I can hear ringing." I say getting annoyed by the sound.

"They will phone back if it's important." he says closing his blue eyes once again.

It's silent for a few seconds before I can hear ringing again.

I groan and climb out of bed before feeling peetas hand stoping me.

"Just leave it katniss, come back and cuddle." peeta says leaning on one arm looking at me.

"It will just keep ringing." I reply pecking his lips before leaving.

I quickly rush down the stairs to get the phone before it rings to much.

"Hello?" I question to who it might be.

"Katniss dear hello" I hear a voice on the other end.

"Sorry who is this?" I ask confused.

For some reason, I don't recognise the voice.

"It's Effie dear." she replies and I finally click.

"Oh hi, sorry it's been so long since I've spoke to you." I tell her honestly.

"It's been a while." she confirms.

"So what were you calling for?" I ask as a shiver runs through me.

Goodness it's cold.

"Well dear, since its been so long since I've seen you, caesar and I were wondering if you wanted to pay a visit to the capitol for a interview?" She asks making me gasp.

"Effie I'm not sure that's a-." I start before she cuts me up.

"Look I know what you and peeta have been though but I assure you everything is fine now and everyone is well, we would just like to know how you peeta and the little ones are doing." she says making me stop and think.

"I'm not sure, I will have to speak to peeta." I say unsure.

"Of course sweetie, just call if you can come and if you can't that is fine." she says sweetly.

"Okay thank you Effie." I say thankfully.

"No problem katniss, give my love to peeta and the little ones." she says making me smile.

"I will and it was good speaking to you." I answer honestly.

"As it was to you." she says happy.

I hear a cry coming from upstairs and I know the kids are up.

"Okay I have to go now but il call soon." I tell her.

"Okay katniss, see you soon." she answers just before the line goes dead.

I put the phone back and rush upstairs to see the children.

When I enter their room I see peeta has already beat me there.

"Morning handsome, finally decided to get up?" I smirk before kissing Willows small head.

"Your so funny." peeta smiles sarcastically.

"Who was on the phone?" he wonders bouncing noah on his hip.

"Effie." I say trailing off.

Should I tell him?

Do I really want to go back to the Capitol? The place I was nearly killed far more than once.

"What did she want?" He asks confused to why I didn't continue.

"To know if we would go to the Capitol for a interview." I say not meeting his eyes.

When I don't hear a reply I slowly look up.

There stands peeta stiff.

"Peeta?" I ask scared.

Now is not the right time for an attack.

Especially since he has noah in his arms and willow is right in front of me.

"Katniss." he says finally looking at me.

"We should go." he continues before walking closer and taking my hand.

"Are you sure? I don't want to cause any more pain." I say looking into his sweet blue eyes.

"Listen you haven't caused me any pain and it will be nice for willow and noah, a little family trip." he says before smiling.

"Okay I have to call Effie to say we're coming." I say before peeta gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"Okay but first I think we better get these little monsters some breakfast." peeta say looking at noah.

I pick up willow from her cot.

"Well I'd never say no to food." I say before we laugh.

Going back to the Capitol is a big fear of mine and peetas.

But now we have two children who will want to experience more than district 12.

I always felt bad about telling the babies about mine and peetas life as teenagers.

But they are so young and we have plenty of time to worry about when we are going to tell them.

So for now we will enjoy the time we have them as children because no so long ago people weren't so lucky.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while but I've been revising.

Sadly I've got another French speaking test on Thursday but it's my birthday on Saturday 13th so I'm excited for that.

Also after my speaking I will be able to post more.

You love me real or not real?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora