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"1 minute until your on" Effie smiles before leaving me and peeta at the side of the stage.

I never felt this way before but I'm more nervous than I've ever been.

I can feel my heart beating in my chest and I'm surprised peeta can't hear it.

I feel peeta rest his right hand on my left.

"Shh calm down, it's going to be okay." Peeta smiles pulling me closer to him.

I didn't realise I was shaking until I felt Peeta move his hand to my back.

"I'm right here, nothing's going to happen." he continues before pecking my lips quickly.

'10 seconds' I hear a voice as peeta holds my hand tightly in his.

It's then that I hear a old familiar voice.


"Welcome lady's and gentlemen, we have a special surprise for you all, please welcome the star cross lovers Katniss and peeta Mellark."

Before I know it me and peeta are walking hand in hand out onto the stage.

Noah in my arms and willow in his.

The bright lights blind me, it's been so long since I've been here.

I can hear everyone screaming and shouting as noah hides his small head in my neck.

I'm not surprised though.

If I was one and a half again I know I wouldn't like thousands of capitol people with red, blue and green hair shouting at me.

We meet a smily Caesar in the middle of the stage.

He shakes peetas hand before kissing my cheek and leading us to the sofa on the stage.

The crowd calms down interested in us even though I don't understand why.

I set noah on my lap who still hasn't moved his head from my neck.

Peetas hand connects with mine as peeta starts speaking.

"Wow, welcome back. How have you been?" Asks Caesar.

"We have been much better thank you, better than we have ever been." peeta answers politely.

"I'm glad to hear, so apart from popping out babies, what else has happened?" He asks gaining a laugh from the audience.

"Well I got better and came back from the capitol, me and Katniss grew back together. After a while we got married and not long after Katniss give birth to these beauties." Peeta smiles bouncing willow on his knee.

She seems to be loving the attention.

"Yes we are all sorry to hear about you being hijacked, glad you are much better now." Caesar says sadly.

"Thank you, you know I wouldn't of done it on my own, Katniss here. My beautiful wife helped and she still helps me to know what's real and what's not real." Peeta says before looking at me and I know I'm blushing.

"So Katniss, we heard that you never wanted children." Caesar says looking at noah who has finally decided to look around.

"That's true, because of the games I had promised to my self that id never have any children of my own." I start before Caesar cuts in.

"So what changed your mind?" He wonders.

"Peeta did, he showed me that things can be good again, he helped me to get better after prim and helped me recover. Getting married and having willow and naoh was the best things I've ever done." I say and I can feel peetas eyes on me.

"We're all ever so sorry to hear about prim and can I just say willow and naoh are amazing, they have the best parents ever." Ceasar smiles as everyone cheers.

"Thank you." we both reply before looking at each other and smiling.

"So what plans do you have for the future?" He questions before siting back in his chair.

"We don't like to think of things ahead, we take everyday at a time and try to do the things with willow and naoh we missed out on as children." peeta answers before I get a chance to.

"Wonderful, now let's hear it all for the star cross lovers Katniss and peeta Mellark and their beautiful babies willow and naoh, thank you for coming" he says as we stand up.

"Thank you for having us." I smile as Caesar brings me into a hug,

"My pleasure" he answers before shaking hands with peeta.

We smile and leave the stage holding hands.

Willow waves her small hand to everyone gaining lots of smiles.

We exit the stage and are greeted by our stylists.

They all tell us how well we did and how glad they are to see us again.

We smile and thank them before I'm brought into a sweet kiss by peeta.

That went much better than I thought It would.

You love me real or not real?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt