New room

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"Katniss this is going to take so much longer if you don't move your butt from Noah's bed." Peeta laughs.

"Peeta it's too tiring." I complain.

I hear him laugh before he speaks again.

"You haven't done anything yet." He points out making me sit up.

"Hey I carried a whole box of clothes earlier into Willow and Lily's room." I reply standing up.

"Katniss hunny, you carried a pair of trousers and a jumper that are aged 12-18 months." he says making me gasp.

"And that was a lot of work." I reply honestly.

"Just help me to set up Noah and Tyler's wardrobe and we're nearly finished." He says gladly.

"Then all we have to do is put the clothes inside." He continues.

"Okay." I say looking at the four kids who are happily playing in their play pen.

We have spent the last couple of days sorting out the two bedrooms for the kids.

Peeta painted Willow and Lily's bedroom a green colour the same shade as the forest.

Then he painted Noah and Tyler's bedroom a orange/red colour just like the sunset.

It takes about 15 minutes to set up the wardrobe and I can't help but smile once it's put in place.

I help Peeta to put in the clothes and finally the boys bedroom is completed.

We finished the girls bedroom earlier in the day.

"It's finally done." I shout happily.

"Yeah thanks to me." Peeta smirks and I can't help but laugh.

"Thank you." I tell him thankfully.

"It's okay and I was only joking, you helped a lot this morning." he replies bringing me in for a kiss.

We decide since it's nearly 6 to go down stairs and eat tea.

Peeta makes spaghetti bolognese which is delicious.

"Peeta that was amazing." I tell him when we start packing up.

"Thank you baby." he says joyfully before kissing my forehead sweetly.

"Why don't I start getting the kids ready for bed? I think an early night is a good idea." I say handing him the empty plates.

"I agree, I'm tired." Peeta confirms honestly.

I take all 4 kids upstairs with effort and get them all changed for bed.

Peeta joins me 10 minutes later in time to help me get them all settled.

He takes Willow and Lily to bed in their new room while I take the boys.

"Goodnight sweetie." I smile before softly kissing Noah's cheek.

"Night night baby." I say to Tyler who is already sleeping before I kiss his cheek.

I softly close the door before making my way into mine and Peeta's room.

He's not in the room yet so I'm guessing he's still with Willow and Lily.

I pull of my dirty clothes before changing my underwear and pulling on just one of Peeta's t shirts since it's a hot night.

I leave our room to brush my teeth before returning to the bedroom when I feel myself walk into something.


"Shit sorry." I mumble quietly.

"It's okay, I'm sorry too. I didn't realise you were in their." Peeta say rubbing my arms.

"Are you okay?" I ask him concerned.

"Katniss calm down, I'm fine you only hit my chest." Peeta laughs softly.

"Are you okay?" He asks a second later.

"Yeah I'm fine." I reply before walking over to our bed pulling the covers back.

Peeta goes to the bathroom before arriving at our bed shortly after.

He dives in beside me before pulling me close like always.

"Goodnight, I love you." he whispers kissing my forehead twice.

"I love you too." I reply before I close my eyes with a smile on my face.

Just as I'm about to dose off I feel Peeta moving beside me making me groan.

"Where are you going?" I complain.

"Shhhh just a second." he says walking over to the window.

Just before he reaches it I speak.

"Peeta the window is open like always." I say sitting up.

"It's not that." he replies before pulling the curtains open an inch.

Confused I get up and slowly walk close to where he is standing.

"Then what are you doing?" I ask before he holds my hand pulling me softly so I'm standing next to him.

"Look." he says opening the curtains a little more.

I look out for a moment before seeing something that makes me confused.

"Is that- is that Haymitch?" I question trying to focus on what I'm saying.

"Yeah but who's the other person?" Peeta wonders.

I look harder for a second before I realise who it is.

"Effie." Is all I say before Peeta gives me a look.

Haymitch and Effie are outside.


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