Wanting more

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Peetas pov:

I wake up to see katniss still sleeping soundly. She always looks so peaceful when she's sleeping.

I think I've told her that before. While we were in the hunger games. I said that I like watching her sleep but she doesn't care. At least not anymore.

I didn't want to wake her up so I quietly got up to leave the room. As I got nearer to the door I heard her say something.

She wasn't asleep, she was awake.

"Peeta, why are you leaving?" She asks sounding worried.

"I'm not katniss, I will never leave you. I'm just going downstairs to make breakfast." I say reassuring her.

"Oh okay." she says. Then only a few seconds after she's fast asleep.

I carefully walk down the stairs and into the kitchen.

I grab some flour and start making some bread.

After it's been in the oven for some time I take it out and let it cool.

I head upstairs and see katniss lying there. Her eyes look dead. Cold. Her gray eyes even darker than ever.

I walk over to her. "Katniss can you here me?" I say rather loudly.

Nothing. She just lays there not ever moving a muscle.

"Katniss listen to me! baby can you here me?" I'm shouting now, more scared than I ever have been before.

She still doesn't move. I'm sobbing now. My whole face is filled with tears.

"Katniss please, please don't leave me, you can't be gone. No!" I'm lying with my head on her sides still sobbing.

About 5 minutes later her eyes refill with her natural colour and she starts breathing better.

"Peeta" she says whispering.

"Oh my gosh katniss. your alive, your breathing." I say with a sigh of relief.

"Peeta what are you talking about?" she looks at me confused and she can see that I've been sobbing.

"You were just lying there. You weren't breathing I was so scared, I though you had died." I say. She wipes the tears rolling down my face.

"Peeta. I don't know what happened. I had a nightmare. I usually scream and you come and hold me to make me feel safe again." She says with a smile.

"I'm just glad that your alright and not dead." I say and wrap my arms around her holding her as close to me as I can without swishing her.

We both walk downstairs into the kitchen and cut up the bread.

"Are we going to see Haymitch today?" I ask her giving her a piece of bread.

"Yeah can we go now" she asks taking a bite.

"Yeah but we need to get changed! unless you want to go in our pjs?" I ask giggling.

"Oh yeah forgot about that." She says smiling at me.

We walk up stairs to get changed and head off out the door hand in hand to see Haymitch.

As soon as we arrive we walk straight inside and see Haymitch looking sober enough to be able to sit up on his own.

"Hey Haymitch I have something I want to ask you!" katniss says looking at Haymitch.

"What's up sweetheart?" Haymitch asks using the same nickname he has been using since the first games.

"Erm well I was wondering if you would walk me down the isle since I don't have a dad?" she asks

"Really, you want a drunk old man like me to walk you down the isle?" he asks liking surprised.

"Well yeah cause you are the closes thing to a dad to me sooo....." Katniss says drifting off at the end.

"Oh of course I will sweetheart I'd love to." he says and I wouldn't be wrong to say I thought I saw a tear at the side of his face.

Katniss goes over to give Haymitch a hug and I hand him a piece of bread before we make our way back home.

When we get there we call a few of our friends asking them if there free to come to our wedding.

We go upstairs to rest when katniss reminds me about one more person.

"Peeta we need to call my mom and ask her." she says.

"Okay do you want to do it now?" I ask her.

"Yeah could you please get me the phone?" She asks

I walk downstairs and grab the phone bringing it back up to katniss.

Katniss pov:

I dial my mothers phone number and wait for her to answer. After 3 rings she does.

"Hello katniss" she says when she answers the phone.

"Mom I have something to tell you." I'm say

"What is it katniss?" she questions.

"Peeta proposed to me and I said yes." I say looking over to Peeta and see him smiling.

"That's great katniss! so when's the big day?" she asks

"We agreed June 30. I was wondering if you would like to come."

"Yes I will come but I have to go now. I've got some jobs to do. See you soon, I love you." she answers.

"Love you too." I say and hang up the phone.

I snuggle back into Peeta resting my hand on his chest.

"You okay?" he asks after a while.

"Yeah it's just I haven't see her for ages." I say with a sigh.

"It will be okay" say says squeezing me.

"Do you really think?" I ask looking up to him.

"Always" he answers kissing me. His kisses remind me of how I felt in the arena and they always leave me. wanting more.

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