Sick again?

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I wake up nightmare free but it's still dark out.

I feel peetas arms resting on my waist and I pull the covers closer around me.

I try to move but can't when I feel my head bounding.

What on earth?

I glance at the clock to see its only 4 in the morning.

I snuggle closer to peeta feeling the heat on my body.

I'm just starting to fall asleep again when I get the sudden urge to throw up.

Without hesitation I jump out of bed and rush to the bathroom.

I realise I've woken peeta when I feel his hands on my hair keeping it out of my face.

When I stop throwing up peeta helps me stand.

"Are you okay?" He asks concerned.

"Yeah I don't know what happened." I say washing my face.

"Did you eat something funny?" He wonders.

"Only what you've made." I say grabbing my toothbrush from the stand on the shelve.

"You must be sick." he says leaving the bathroom.

I brush my teeth before climbing back into bed.

Peeta appears at the doorway of our bedroom with a glass of water and a tablet.

"Here." he says sitting on the side of the bed.

"Thanks." I reply gratefully taking the glass from his hands.

I pop the tablet in my mouth before gulping down the water.

Once I'm finish I place the glass on the stand next to our bed and peeta climbs back in.

I snuggle up next to him again and he wraps his strong arms around me.

"You okay now?" He questions rubbing my arm.

"Yeah." I smile resting my head on his chest.

"I was going to go to the bakery today, how about I take willow and noah? Give you a day off to rest?" He wonders nicely.

"It's fine I can watch them." I say not wanting peeta to have them under his skin all day.

How hyper kids and a bakery don't fit well.

"No i insist, they will be fine for one day." peeta says making my heart melt.

"fine but only for one day." I say giving in knowing I won't win.

"Good, now we should go to sleep, you need rest." peeta whispers moving some hair out of my face.

"Okay, I love you." I say closing my eyes listening to his steady heartbeat.

"Sleep tight katniss, I love you too." he replies resting his hand on my waist and the other on my back.

Keeping a protected cage around me.

Holding tightly incase someone were to snatch me out of his arms.

I start to fall asleep but some thoughts start to run through my head and there's no way to stop them.

I realise that the sickness and the headache is the same symptoms I had the night before I found out I was pregnant with willow and noah.

Then again I think it's impossible since me and peeta only had sex again last night.

But then my eyes snap open.

About 4 weeks ago in the capitol....

I need to go to the doctors.

What do you guys think?

Is katniss pregnant or is it just a bug?

More everlark babies?

You love me real or not real?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang