One month to go

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"Peeta I can't see." I laugh when Peeta finishes tying a blindfold over my face.

He told me he has a surprise he wants to show me.

I can guess what it might be but I decide not to ruin the surprise.

"That's the whole point." Peeta relies as we start moving.

By the way he says this I know he's smiling.

I'm now 8 months pregnant and can't tie my laces by my self any more.

Peeta is off work for a while so he stays home getting me food and helping me walk around.

I can't stand up for ages because my feet start hurting but Peeta insists on rubbing them for me.

He holds my hands helping me walk stopping me from banging into anything.

By the way I keep hitting my foot on something I know we are walking up the stairs.

We come to a stop and I feel Peeta moving a way from me.

"I'm not going to fall am I?" I question incase I was left right at the top of the stairs.

"Nope your no where near the stairs and I'm right here." he replies holding my hand again.

I hear a door open and Peeta leads me inside.

"Right, you can take off the blind fold now." Peeta says.

I pull of the blindfold and gasp as what I see.

The nursery Peeta has been supplying is completely finished and looks more than amazing.

The wall is painted the cream colour we picked out.

There's little pictures of drawings like the sunset and animals for the babies.

There's also pictures of me and Peeta on the wall high ups so they won't be knocked down.

I walk over to the wardrobe and take a look inside.

I see that the boys clothes are on one side and the girls are on the other.

I also see that cots are set up nicely and there's a changing table.

There's also things that I never bought with Peeta myself.

"We didn't buy a rocking chair." I say turning to face Peeta.

"I know, I went to but a few things buy myself." he replies smiling.

"How did you carry them?" I ask confused.

"Well first I ordered some and they got delivered." he says making me nod.

I forgot that we could do that.

"And second Haymich helped and helped me set everything up." he continues.

"Haymich helped?" I ask surprised.

"Yeah he insisted on helping saying you had already done enough to make people's life's worth living." Peeta answers.

"Well I need to thank Haymich then." I say walking over to Peeta.

"He told me that you don't need to, you like a daughter to him." Peeta smiles.

I wrap my arms around Peeta and bring him in for a kiss.

"Thank you Peeta for everything, putting up with my moods and doing this for our babies." I say looking around.

"You don't need to thank me and your only moody from the babies." Peeta smiles hugging me tighter.

"I can't wait until they come." I say happily.

"Me neither, it's not long now." Peeta smiles rubbing my stomach.

We make our way into our bedroom and lie on our bed.

Peeta hugs me as best as he can with my growing stomach in the way.

Gus hops onto the bed and makes his way to the top.

He lies down near my head looking at me and Peeta.

"You excited for the babies to come?" I ask Gus not expecting an answer.

He just stares at me before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

"I told you dogs can't talk." Peeta smiles when I rest my head back on his shoulder.

"They can, they just don't talk to you." I reply smirking.

"They why didn't he answer you?" Peeta wonders.

"Because your here, if you weren't he would of answered." I smile.

"Whatever you say." he relies.

I move my head to Peetas chest so I can listen to his heart beat.

Peeta stars playing with my hair making me feel calm and sleepy.

I only hear his heat beat about 15 times before I'm fast asleep.

Only one more mouth to go.

Thank you for 100k reads I still remember when I just got 1k.

I was meant to update last night but wattpad didn't post all the chapter so I deleted it.

You love me real or not real?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें