Meeting Skylar

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"Peeta stop rushing around." I say trying to calm my husband down.

"Things aren't going to be ready." he says sighing in frustration.

"Peeta stop." I say finally.

Gale is bringing his girlfriend who I now know is called skylar over for lunch.

Sadly Haymitch was busy doing God knows what so we have the twins still.

Meaning we aren't getting the dinner as sorted as quickly as we thought.

"It's going to be a mess." he says leaning against me.

"It's not listen I'm going to take willow and noah upstairs so you can sort this out." I say calmly.

"You don't have to do that." he says hugging me tightly.

"I will, it will give you space." I say leaning back to look at him.

"I would help you cook but I don't want to kill skylar the first time I meet her cause that won't be a good impression." I say as we laugh.

"That wouldn't be good." he smiles.

I lean down to give him a kiss before I pull away going to get willow and noah from the living room.

I bring them upstairs and take them into their room to play.

For some reason they both stay attached to me so I read them a story.

Once finished I lie them both on the floor next to each other before looking down at my babies.

"Your both getting so big." I say tapping their noses making them both smile.

"I wish you could stay little but I know that's not possible." I smile at them.

"But you will always be my babies." I say stroking back Willows long dark hair.

"As they will be mine." I hear a voice come from the doorway.

I turn to see peeta smiling back at me.

He comes closer and sits on the floor next to me.

I lean my head on his shoulder as we watch our children.

"I wish it could always be like this." I say meaning to our family and young children.

"Everyone grows up sadly but they will always be our little ones" peeta says kissing my cheek.

We hear a knock on the door and smile at each other.

Guess gale and skylar are here.

"Is everything ready?." I ask picking up noah.

"Yep ready to be served." peeta smiles getting willow from the floor.

"Let's go." I say as we walk down the stairs quickly.

I open the door to see gale and a very smily skylar standing at the door.

"Catnip." gale smiles using the normal nickname.

I must admit it is kind of weird at first since its been so long since he called me that.

But I smile back getting used to it again.

I suppose if we are going to be friends then I have to get used to it.

He walks in hugging me before shaking hands with peeta.

"Hi you must be skylar." I smile giving her a side hug.

"That's me." she smiles.
"And your katniss." she answers.

"Hi peeta." she says giving him a hug longer than I thought she would since they just met.

I try to ignore it and smile as we walk into the kitchen.

This should be good.

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