Mess and Stress

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"Mommy." I hear my little Noah shout as he comes running into the living room.

"You back? Look at your hands." I say getting a wipe off the side table by the sofa

I can tell by the mess that he's been painting with Peeta.

Me and willow were sitting watching Peppa Pig while noah and Peeta were upstairs.

I had no idea they were painting.

"Paint." he shouts with a wide smile.

Even though I'm annoyed Peeta couldn't of cleaned him I can't help but smile.

"You been painting with daddy?" I ask with a laugh.

"Yes." he shouts as Peeta appears in the doorway.

"You couldn't of cleaned him?" I wonder rolling my eyes.

"Sorry, he rushed off before I had the chance." Peeta answers and I smile.

"What were you painting?" I question.

"Just something for you and something for the baby's room." he replies with a grin.

"Am I allowed to know?" I ask hopefully.

"Not yet." he answers with a smirk.

Dam always teasing me.

"Fine I've got a secret." I say putting my hands on my hips.

"Oh yeah? And what's that?" He laughs mirroring my action.

"That's for me to know and for you to fine out, like I said its a secret." I laugh.

Honestly, I don't have a secret and I know Peeta knows I'm just joking.

"When will I get to find out?" Peeta wonders with a grin.

"I don't know, you might never find out." I laugh walking into the kitchen with gus following.

I hear small footsteps and I realise that willow and noah have also joined me.

Gus starts barking and I know he must be hungry again.

I don't know what's going on with him at the moment because he's been really greedy.

I make him some food up and water before putting the tray in front of him.

Straight away he starts eating and soon cleans both bowls.

Peeta sits noah and willow in their high chairs and I make them some milk up ready for bed.

"You hungry yet?" Peeta wonders getting out some dough.

"Peeta, I'm always hungry." I reply with a laugh. He smiles in return.

Once the dough is ready Peeta puts it into the oven to bake.

"Should we get these little monsters to bed?" Peeta wonders looking at the clock on the wall above my head.

I turn to look and see it's nearly 7.

"Sure but you need to get them out of their highchairs." I say with a small smile.

Peeta nods before lifting willow and Noah out of their big chair.

We all climb the stairs and to into their room to get them sorted for bed.

Once they are settled we tuck them in and each kiss both of their little cheeks.

We arrive into our bedroom and sit on our big warm bed.

"Can I at least know what noah painted?" I ask hopefully.

"Ok two minutes, il just go get the painting and the bread out of the oven so it doesn't burn" he answers climbing off our bed.

"Why don't you get changed into something more comfy while im gone." he smiles heading to the door.

"Okay." I answer before standing up off of our bed.

I pull off my clothes and start searching for some pjs.

Everything that did fit me doesn't at the moment making me mad.

I get annoyed when I can't find anything to wear.

I hear Peetas loud footsteps coming up the stairs and I sit on the bed in just my underwear.

Peeta enters our bedroom with a sheet of paper which I'm guessing has Noahs paining on and a tray of food.

"Peeta I have nothing that fits anymore." I say stressed.

"Nothing at all?" He wonders coming over to have a look.

"What about this?" Peeta asks holding up a shirt.

"I'm too fat, the buttons will Pop open." I say before lying back on our bed.

"Katniss." Peeta says and I know why.

It's cause I called myself fat and Peeta doesn't agree.

"Sorry." I groan before climbing into bed.

"I guess Il just sleep like this." I say lying down on the pillow.

"I'm fine with that." I hear Peeta say and I know he's grinning.

"This isn't funny." I say and suddenly I feel the urge to cry.

Stupid hormones making me cry for a stupid reason.

Peeta sets the tray on the side before I feel the bed shifting and I know he's siting next to me.

"Katniss?" He whispers putting his hand on top of mine.

"Don't, I'm just been stupid." I say but by my voice he knows I'm crying.

"Your not been stupid, I shouldn't of said that, I should be helping not making a joke out of the situation." he says pulling me as close as possible.

It's difficult with a big bump in the middle but we make it work.

"It's okay, I should of took it too seriously and you always help me, you've been helping me since we were 12." I answer honestly.

"It's my job to help you, I love you so much." he replies before kissing my forehead.

"I love you too, so so much." I say kissing his lips.

"You want some foot? Also you can have my shirt." Peeta says getting read it take it off.

"Yeah please and it's fine, il just stay like this, only if you don't mind." I sigh looking up at him.

"Of course I don't mind, it's your house too." Peeta smiles and I return it.

"Thank you, for loving me." I say thankfully taking the bread that he offed me out of his warm hands.

"Thank you for been you, amazing and beautiful." he smiles before pulling me in for a long sweet kiss.

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