Quality time with Finn

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Since Annie and Johanna are only staying in the victors village for a while.

It doesn't take long before we arrive at their home and Finn is in my arms.

"Katniss I missed you." he says when I pick him up.

"I'm missed you too Finn." I say giving him a hug.

Annie comes into to entrance and gives me a hug telling me to come inside.

Johanna wonders somewhere and I see my wedding dress hanging up so it doesn't get creased.

Looking at it makes me smile but I also get butterfly's.

"How are you katniss?" Annie asks snapping me out of my trace.

"I'm good thank you, just scared but excited." I told her honestly.

"Of course you are. I felt the same before I married Finnick." he tells me making me think about him.

"You don't need to be worried about anything because Peeta loves you so much and he has waited for this day for nearly his hole life." Annie continues while Finn runs off to play.

Before I can answer Annie, Johanna comes wondering down the stairs and they both hurry me to go up them.

Johanna stays with Finn while Annie comes with me.

We walk into the bathroom to see Johanna has made me a bath.

"Right, you need to relax so jump in the bath and take your time." she tells me handing me a towel.

Annie then leaves me to get in the bath by myself and it feels weird to be having a bath because normally I have a shower but it's also very relaxing.

I undress myself and climb into the warm water and lie down to relax.

My mind wonders to different places and I realise that I need to start washing myself.

I grab some soap and begin to wash my whole body. After I'm done I get some strawberry shampoo and wash my hair with it.

Once I've rubbed the shampoo in my hair I use a jug to rinse all the soap out.

I sit for a while just taking in the peace before jumping out and getting ready into some pj shorts and a tank top since it's a warm night.

Once I'm ready I comb my hair though but leave it down to dry naturally.

Once I'm sorted I take my bag into the spare room I'm staying in and walk downstairs to join everyone.

As soon as they hear me Annie turns and smiles and Finn walks over to me with a sad face.

"What's wrong Finn?" I ask the small child.

"Mommy says I have to go to bed now." he says still frowning.

"What's wrong with that? katniss will be going to bed soon aswell." I tell him trying to make him feel better.

"I want to spend more time with you because I miss you." he says making me smile.

"I miss you aswell." I say then get an idea.

"Do you what katniss to take you to bed?" I ask him.

Finns face lights up and he starts shouting.

"Can she mommy?" he asks Annie.

"Well I don't see why not but first come and give me a kiss." Annie says smiling at Finn.

Finn runs over and gives Annie a kiss then runs back over to me.

Finn lifts up his arms asking me to pick him up and I do then carry him upstairs.

I take him into the room that he's saying in and tuck him in.

The bed he's in is massive since it's a double bed and he looks so small in it.

"Can you read me a story?" He asks me shyly.

"Of course which one?" I ask him walking to the bench where he has about 5 mini books that he must of brought from home.

"The top one please." he asks me nicely.

I look at the book and see that it's the gruffalo.

Before the war there wasn't any books for children but I'm glad now there is because kids like Finn enjoy story time.

I was about to sit on the chair next to Finns bed when he stops me.

"Sit next to me please katniss so I can see the story." he tells me.

"Move along then cause I don't want to squish you" I say making him laugh.

Finn moves along and I slide into the space he once was and start reading the book.

Since it's just a short story I finish about 5 minutes later but it was enough to make Finn fall asleep.

I smile as I hear his soft snores and and i climb back out of bed and place the book on the night stand.

"Goodnight Finn, sleep tight." I say to him.

I tuck him back into and give him a kiss on the forehead before leaving the room and closing the door softy.

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