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Back to katniss' pov:

"Come on bed time." I smile to willow and noah.

I help them tidy away their toys and take them upstairs for bed.

"Daddy?" Noah asks looking around.

"Daddy's out at the moment, he will give you a goodnight kiss later." I say changing him into his pjs.

I sit him in his cot so that I can get willow changed.

Peeta went out to get some invitations for willow and Noahs birthday party which is in 6 days.

We decided it would be a good idea for them to have a party to remember with friends and family.

"Goodnight willow." I say kissing her forehead and tucking her in.

"Goodnight noah." I say leaning across the cot to kiss his cheek.

I leave the room and carefully close the door behind me and make my way downstairs.

I sit on the sofa and turn on the tv waiting for peeta return.

Capitol news, that's what's always on.

I must of fell asleep because the next thing I know I hear peetas loud footsteps entering the living room.

"Katniss, you awake?" Peeta asks and I open my eyes to meet his blue ones.

"I am now." I reply before sitting up.

I didn't even realise I lay down.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" he asks sitting down in the empty space I've now made from moving my legs.

"Not you, your feet." I answer laughing.

"Did you get them?" I wonder looking for the invitations.

"Yeah and I got you a surprise." peeta smiles opening the back and I smell the cheese buns straight away.

"Good, in starving." I say reaching for the bag but peetas stops me.

"That's not all" he says handing me another bag that was placed on the floor.

I look in and pull out a packet and a box.

I look first inside the packer and see two biscuits that I'm guessing they are for willow and noah.

I open the box to see a neatly decorated chocolate cake and I lick my lips.

"This looks amazing, did you do this?" I wonder taking a good luck at it.

"Yeah, that's why I was a little late." peeta smiles and I smile back.

He pulls out the invitations and places them on the sofa in-between us.

Peeta hands me a cheese bun and we get started.

"So who first?" Peeta questions and I think.

"I guess Annie, Johanna and Finn" I answer and Peeta starts writing.

We go through the rest of our friends and just before we finish I remember two more people.

"Should we invite Gale?" I wonder incase Peeta didn't want him here.

"Sure, I mean you two have both made up and I've also got quite close to him." Peeta says getting out a new invitation.

"wait, I'm not sure what his old number is." I say before getting up to get the house phone.

I dial a number and wait for an answer.

"Hello?" My mom asks from the other side.

"Hi mom." I say happily.

"Katniss, how are you?" She wonders.

"I'm good thank you, I needed to ask you something, well two things." I say before laughing.

"Go ahead." she says and I hear her laugh.

It surprises me a little since the last time I heard her laugh I was a kid.

She use to always laugh when me and prim were young.

When my dad died, she stopped and that upset me.

One of the worse things ever for a kid is when your mom never smiled or laugh.

I know it was hard after dad died and I know she was in pain but sometimes I felt like she never tired.

But she has gotten better, I can have a much better convo with her now than I did a few years ago.

"Are you free to come to district 12 on Saturday? We're having a birthday party for willow and Noah?" I ask and wait for a reply.

"Oh of course im free. Id love to come." she says excitedly.

"Another thing, do you have gales number?" I wonder.

"Of corse, I've got nearly everyone's numbers." She answers and at first I'm confused.

But then I remember how she's a doctor and of corse at the hospital she has everyone's numbers.

"It's 0796563." she says after a few minutes.

"Thank you, see you on Saturday and I love you." I say turning turning towards Peeta and nodding.

"It's fine katniss, I love you to." She replies before the line goes dead.

We call gale and within seconds he agrees and says he can't wait to see us all.

I'm so much happier to be able to talk to Gale again.

It was hard when he was in love with me, I didn't feel the same way and I just wanted to be friends.

Him and Peeta get on really well now which I'm really happy about.

I'm glad they can be in the same room without nearly killing each other with just their eyes.

"Well that's everyone." Peeta sighs leaning back on the sofa.

"Finally." I say looking down at the big pile of invitations that's in front of us.

"I think il just eat the cake tomorrow." I say resting my head on peetas shoulder.

"Should we go to bed? It's nearly 11." he says and I look up shocked.

"Did we seriously take that long." I ask looking at the clock myself.

"Must have." Peeta says before standing up.

"You coming?" he questions holding his hand out for me.

"Of corse" I smile grabbing a hold of his hand and we make our way up the stairs.

We strip out of our clothes and dive into bed.

I wrap the covers around me and snuggle closer to Peeta.

"Goodnight, I love you." Peeta whispers before kissing my cheek.

"Night Peeta, I love you too." i mumble tiredly before kissing his chest.

To the soothing sound of his heartbeat I fall into a deep sleep.

Never waking to nightmares once.

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