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Once we have finished eating our strew Peeta gets the ice cream.

We open a tub each and dig in and to me it's the best ice cream ever.

The one in actual district 4 was almost just as good but not quite.

This one had hundreds and thousands just to top it off.

"Wow this is nice." I say taking another bite.

"You can say that again." Peeta says taking what seems to be his last bite.

"Wow you did enjoy that, you actually ate something quicker than me." I say.

I look up to his face and start laughing loudly.

Peeta has ice cream right around his mouth and he hasn't even noticed.

"What are you laughing at missy?" Peeta askes unaware.

"You have ice cream right around your mouth." I say between heavy breaths from laughing to much.

"Oh." Peeta says wiping it off before turning red which is unusual.

"Aww your so cute, I've never seen you go red." I say finally stopping laughing.

"I know how you feel now when I say that your cute when you blush." Peeta says turning normal colour again.

I finish my ice cream and we put the plates in a pile ready to be taken away.

"I'm just going to take a shower." Peeta says giving me a kiss on lips.

"Okay, don't be too long il miss you." I say pouting.

"Il be as quick as possible." he answers giving me another kiss.

I watch him walk to the bathroom before lying down on top of the blanket on our bed.

I watch the news for about 10 minutes before I hear the click of the bathroom door.

A couple of seconds later I see Peeta come out with a shirt and shorts on which confuses me.

Peeta never wears a shirt for bed and normally just underwear.

"Peeta why do you have a shirt on?" I question confused.

But for some strange reason I don't get a answer.

It was starting to get dark so I went to turn a light on to see him better but someone grabs my arm stopping me.

"Peeta what are you doing?" I ask looking at him.

It's dark but it's not dark enough to see Peetas eyes.

To see that they aren't blue but black.

oh no.

Another flashback.

"Peeta, whatever your thinking, it's not real." I say calmly.

"Your a mutt, you killed my family." he says getting angry.

"Peeta I didn't, snow did that not me. I love you." I say trying to keep calm.

"Don't lie, your working for snow and your going to kill me! You don't love me." he says making me upset but I know it's not the real Peeta.

It's the horrible mutt version of Peeta that he can't control all the time.

"Peeta snow is dead, I'm not working for him I promise you." I answer looking at him.

When he doesn't answer I carry on talking to him calmly.

"Peeta I wouldn't do that to you, I promise you. Look you married me." I say showing him my wedding ring and pointing to his.

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