Gales back

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When I wake up I feel the other side of the bed and it feels cold and empty showing that Peeta has already got up to go to work.

I decide that today I'm going to go hunting since I haven't been in a while.

I get up take a shower, get changed into my fathers old hunting jacket and head downstairs. I check the time and see that it's 10.00 exactly.

I go into the kitchen and see that Peeta has left some breakfast for me on the table and a note.

Went to work today, be back home just after 11 for dinner love you, Peeta.

I smile thinking about him and how he is too kind to me by making me breakfast when I could of just gone to the hob.

I eat the blueberry pancakes and have a drink of juice while watching the daily news.

After I've finished I grab my hunting bag and head off to the woods.

I wave to a few people of the way and smile at Haymitch feeding his geese.

When I arrive at the fence I duck under and carry on my walk to where I keep my bow and arrows.

I still don't understand why they have a fence because anybody is allowed in the woods since the hunger games ended.

I get my bow and put the arrows over my back and start hunting.

I shoot 3 rabbits when I hear a branch crack behind me.

I quickly turn around ready to shoot when I see him.


"Wow there katniss, don't shoot me." he says smirking.

"Gale I haven't seen you for ages." I say smiling back still surprised to see him.

I walk over to him and give him a friendly hug.

After the games I had to choose between Gale and Peeta but it wasn't much of a choice to me.

Gale had been my best friend since I was really young and we both lost our fathers at the same mine explosion and we had a lot in common but he was more like my brother than my lover.

Peeta... well we had been through everything together. Two hunger games a rebellion a fake marriage and baby. He was the light to my darkness and we both have nightmares that only Peeta can help me through.

Me and Gale have too much in common so a relationship wouldn't of been right.

Thinking about relationship it reminded me that I needed to tell Gale about marring Peeta.

"So how have you been catnip?" he asks looking at me.

"Much better since the end of the rebellion apart from losing prim of course" I answer back with a sad smile.

"Oh I'm sorry about that and the bombs." he says

"It wasn't your fault it wasn't you that used them. How have you been?" I ask

"Ive been okay... listen katniss this isn't easy anymore but I need to tell you that I still love you." he says coming closer to me.

My heart stops. I thought we were over this I'm with Peeta now and I'm not leaving him.

"Gale listen I don't love you like that. I love Peeta." I say putting my arm up to stop him from walking any closer and it's then he sees my engagement ring.

"Your marring him?" he asks looking disgusted.

"Yes I'm marring him!" I say.

"And you weren't going to tell me?" he asks starting to sound angry.

"I was going to tell you actually today but you stopped me when you told me you loved me." I say starting to get angry aswell.

"Well I won't be coming to the wedding." he said turning away.

"Well you don't have to. It would of been nice to have my best friend there." I say annoyed.

"Well I'm not coming not when your with bread boy. I love you katniss and I know you love me." He says pushing me against a tree really hard.

"I don't love you gale, get off me! your hurting me!" I say starting to cry when he grabbed me and put his nails into my arms enough to leave a mark.

Suddenly Gale crashed his lips onto mine but only for a second when I punch him in the face which makes him let go of me.

I dash through the woods straight back to the victors village and my arms hurting.

People give me funny looks on the way but I need to get back to Peeta.

I run through the door and see Peeta coming in smiling.

His smile drops when he sees that I've been crying.

"Katniss what's wrong sweety?" he asks taking me into his arms.

"Gale" is all I say before I break down sobbing and fall into Peetas arms.

You love me real or not real?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin