Telling mom

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A few hours later I wake up again more peacefully.

I stretch out my arms turning to face Peeta to see he's already awake and looking at me.

"Morning." Peeta says smiling when he sees I'm awake.

"Morning, don't you have work to go to?" I ask confused.

"I decided to stay of today, I like been with you." he replies making my heart melt.

"Will the bakery not be busy?" I ask thinking about all the work Jonny will have.

"It's fine for today and I'm also going to be hiring someone else so I can spend more time with you." he answers brushing some of my hair out of my face.

"Did you go back to sleep after I was sick?" I question.

"Yes, I woke up about half and hour ago and decided to stay in bed with you." he says giving me a kiss.

"staring at me?" I asked giving him a look.

"I wouldn't say... well yes but I like looking at you." he says making me giggle.

"Do you want to get up now?" I ask resting my head on his chest wanting to hear his heart beat.

"Yeah, you hungry?" Peeta asks as we climb out of bed.

"Yeah but I need to take a shower." I reply walking to the bedroom.

"Toast?" Peeta questions making his way to the door.

"Toast." I confirm closing the bathroom door.

I strip off and slide into the shower turning it on.

I let the water run over me and I start washing my body.

My hands run over my stomach witch is still flat but makes me smile.

I then remember I need to tell my mom about my pregnancy.

I climb out of the shower wrapping the towel around me.

I walk back in to mine and Peetas bedroom and sit on the bed getting the house phone.

I dial my moms number and after 3 rings she picks up.

"Katniss?" she asks sounding surprised.

"Hey mom." I answer.

"Is everything okay?" she asks sounding panicked.

"Yeah I just have something I need to tell you." I say smiling even though she can't see me.

"You do? what is it?" she asks sounding concerned.

"It's nothing and it's just I'm pregnant." I answer looking down at my stomach.

"Oh my gosh really?" she shouts making me laugh.

Wow she took it better than I thought.

"Yeah." I answer.

"I can't believe my baby is having a baby." she continues calmer.

"I know, it's still weird for me as well." I say honestly.

"How far along are you?" she wonders.

"Almost 7 weeks but I haven't known for long." I say truthfully.

"When you get a date, make sure you tell me and Il come to visit you." she says making me surprised.

"Sure il call you soon." I answer.

"Bye sweetie and congratulations" she answers.

"Bye mom, thank you and I love you." I tell her.

"I love you to, take care." she replies before the phone line cuts off.

I look up to see Peeta at the doorway smiling at me.

"Breakfast is ready." he says before sitting down next to me.

"I need to get dressed." I say standing up.

"You can just come down like that." he says smirking.

"I don't think Haymitch will enjoy the view" I answer back dropping my towel.

I get dressed knowing Peeta is still looking at me smirking and I don't really know why.

"You ready?" he asks once I brush my hair.

"Yep." I reply popping the p.

We walk downstairs and eat breakfast ready for the day a head.

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