Nightmare and comfort

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When I walk out the room I see Annie standing there with a smile on her face.

"Your so good with him." she tells me making me smile.

"I love spending time with him." I tell her truthfully.

"Do you want any supper or anything?" she asks me.

"No thank you, I think I'm going to lie down for a whole because I'm kind of tired." I tell her honestly.

"That's fine, just come downstairs and get anything you want if you feel like it." she says to me as she walks to the top of the stairs.

I thank her before walking into the guest room, tucking myself in bed and laying down.

I'm walking down the isle at my wedding about to meet Peeta at the front.

Suddenly president snow is there and he has a hold of Peeta, my Peeta.

He's strangling him but now I can't move. I'm suck on the ground right in front of Peeta but I can't reach him.

"Leave him alone, get off him." I shout to president snow but he only laughs at me.

"You not going to get him katniss there's no point in trying." he hisses at me.

"Nooo stop now, get of Peeta, get off him." I start crying now but I still can't help the man I love.

Then there's blood, blood coming from Peeta and around president snows mouth.

I then look to see that snow is biting Peeta and he's not stopping then he's gone.

Now I can move and I move fast. I start calling for people to help him but there's no one here.

Everyone's gone.

I reach Peeta and start sobbing on his chest. I listen for his heart beat but there's none there.

I start pushing on his chest trying to get him to wake up but nothing's happening.

"Please Peeta, please." I beg but nothing I go works.

Suddenly I pushed away from Peeta and I look up to see there's nothing there and even Peetas gone.

I start shouting for him but I'm attacked by a massive mutt and my world goes black.

I shoot up to see Annie and Johanna trying to calm me down but it's not working.

It's not working because only Peeta is the one who can calm me down and him not been here makes me worried.

"Peeta he's dead. He's dead." I start shouting over and over again.

"He's not dead katniss, he's with Haymitch. Your safe and Peeta is safe." Johanna tells me trying to calm me down.

"Don't lie to me he's dead, I seen him die and I couldn't help him." I tell her sobbing as she hugs me tightly.

I didn't realise that Annie had left the room until she came back in with a phone in her hands.

She puts the phone to my ear and I hear Peetas soft loving voice on the end.

"Katniss, are you okay?" he asks but I'm still not convinced.

"Peeta is that you? Are you alive?" I ask nearly shouting.

"Yes it's me katniss. I'm okay, do you need me to come over?" he questions.

"No it's okay now I thought you were dead." I tell him trying not to think about the nightmare.

"I'm not dead, I'm alive. I heard you screaming and was about to come over." he tells me making me feel better.

"It's okay now, Annie and Johanna were here." I say yawning.

"Alright, go back to sleep, your tired." he tells me as I lie back down.

"I miss you Peeta." I tell him honestly.

"I miss you to beautiful. Now go back to sleep, I love you." he tells me making me smile.

" I love you to." I answer before the line goes blank.

I hand Johanna back the phone and apologise and thank her and Annie at the same time.

They leave the room but after a few seconds the door reopens and a small head pops through.

Finn comes running inside and climbs into bed with me.

"I heard you screaming." he whispers to me.

"I'm sorry I woke you Finn." I tell him angry at myself for waking a young child.

"That's okay I sometimes hear mommy screaming and I look after her." he tells me making me feel bad.

I feel bad that I didn't even think about Annie's nightmares that she must have about Finnick.

"Your a great boy Finn all the girls are going to be chasing after you." I say to him softly.

"Girls are yucky." he says making me giggle.

"Can I look after you tonight?" he then asks me.

"Are you sure you don't want to go back to your warm bed?" I ask him.

"No it's to big and I feel lonely." he tells me pulling a sad face.

"Okay then I guess you can stay here." I say to him putting the covers over him.

"Goodnight katniss, sweet dreams." he says sweetly to me before closing his eyes.

"Goodnight Finn, sweet dreams." I say before kissing him on the forehead again like earlier.

I close my eyes once more hugging Finn close protecting him from the wind outside.

I fall asleep thinking about the time me and Finn planned a trick on Peeta.

Hoping that I didn't have another nightmare tonight and I was glad to find that I slept the rest of the night with no problems at all.

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