Double birthday

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"So what do you think?" Peeta asks with a smirk.

"What do I think about what?" I ask a little confused.

"Effie and Haymitch." Peeta says before sniggering.

"We don't even know if it's true." I say looking at him.

Lily climbs up on the sofa and makes her way only my knee.

Willow, Noah and Tyler are happily playing on the floor with Gus while we wait for the guest to arrive.

Me and Peeta have decided to have a joint birthday party for both sets of twins.

We thought it would be easier this way since Tyler and Lily have just turned 1 and Willow and Noah are 3 next week.

They are all growing up too fast and i wish I could stop time.

Sadly stopping time is one of the many things that aren't possible.

Annie can't make it with Finn since he's got a school performance tonight.

Everyone else should be here any minute for the double birthday lunch.

"We don't even know what's happening." I say shaking my head.

"Well it looked obvious last week." Peeta laughs loudly just as there's a knock on the door.

I jump up to answer it and greet everyone as they all come in.

Haymitch comes in last with Effie and Peeta nudges me giving me a look.

'Don't you dare' u mouth to Peeta trying not to laugh.

Gale and Johanna are first to give the kids their birthday presents followed by everyone else.

Me and Peeta thank everyone for their wonderful gifts and we tell them how thankful we are for everything.

Peeta leads everyone into the kitchen where we all eat lunch.

I notice Haymitch and Effie are sitting rather close.

Peeta looks at me before smiling and I gladly return.

"What time did you get to 12 Effie?" Peeta wonders nearly making me groan.

He's doing this to wind them up but I do find it funny.

"Erm this morning." she replies unsurely.

"That's strange, I thought I hear a certain someone's heals outside mine and Katniss house last week." Peeta says before grinning.

Effie stares at him before answering.

"Well erm that wasn't me." she says making me and Peeta giggle.

"Where do you think I stayed for the last week?" She asks as if we were blaming her for a murder crime.

"Maybe with Haymitch?" I wonder joining in the conversation.

Haymitch coughs before trying to change the conversation.

"So where's the cake?" He wonders before him and Effie exchange a glance.

"Right here." Peeta says taking the wonderful cake out of the fridge where it was kept to keep cool.

"Good job." Johanna smiles widely while holding onto Gales hand.

"Thanks Jo, I do try." Peeta smiles before the lights are turned off.

We sing happy birthday to all four kids.

Since they are still too young we let Johanna blow the candles out since she begged us to let her.

"Yeyyy." we all cheer before clapping.

Peeta hands out the cake as Gus comes rushing into the kitchen.

I swear that dog knows exactly when there's food.

I don't blame him though because Peeta does make the best cakes.

Peeta gets a little plate and puts on some cake for Gus and within seconds it's all gone.

The kids manage to make a massive mess on the table with half of it around their mouths making everyone laugh.

"So Effie, where you staying tonight?" Peeta asks deciding to wind them up again.

"With Haymitch." she squeaks embarrassed.

"Haymitchs bed?" Peeta laughs making me give him a look.

I smack Peeta's leg under the table trying to tell him to stop and to be nice.

"I- I don't think-no." she mumbles.

"Well just keep it quite, we do have 4 kids just next door." Peeta says before him and Gale laugh loudly.

Haymitch and Effie turn a bright red colour and I can't help but laugh.

If this was happening to me I know I'd be in a far worst state than this.

Finally the conversation moves on from the two new love birds and back to a more calm subject.

It stars getting late so Johanna and Gale make their way back home just after my mom leaves and not long after Effie and Haymitch follow.

I can tell Peeta wanted to make another comment to them but they dash into the house before he has a chance to.

"Peeta that was cruel." I say before laughing.

"They'll get over it." he smiles before kissing my lips twice.

"It's been a good day." I smile happily.

"One of the best." Peeta replies leaning down to kiss me again.

Who knows what the future holds for Effie and Haymitch?

But what I do know is that they'll never forget today.

Not in a million years.

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