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"Hey katniss, how have you been today" Peeta asks walking into the living room.

"I've been better after resting." I say truthfully.

Well not the full truth.

I haven't exactly been resting but I feel a lot verger knowing I don't have a sick bug.

"Good, I'm glad. I don't like it when your sick." He says sitting down next to me.

"I don't like been sick." I say playing along.

"Right I'm going to take a quick shower and when I come back il make us some tea." Peeta says getting up again.

"Does that sound good?" he questions.

"Perfect." I answer smiling.

Peeta goes up stairs to take a shower while I watch some movie that I don't even know on the tv.

After about 5 minutes I hear him walking back down the stairs.

"Katniss what's this?" I hear Peeta call.

I start panicking thinking he found the pregnancy picture from the scan.

What am I going to say?

What about the surprise for his birthday?

I should of hid it better! oh man I've ruined it.

I slowly get off the sofa and walk into the kitchen where I heard his voice come from.

"What's what?" I ask not looking at him.

"What's the pancakes doing in the bin?" Peeta asks.

Even though I'm not looking at him I know he's staring at me.

I suddenly realise he doesn't know about the baby.

"Oh well this morning I didn't feel hungry so I put them in the bin." I lie hoping he didn't realise.

Thankfully he doesn't which probably means he's tired because he normally knows when I lie.

"Katniss that's okay, it doesn't matter." Peeta says putting the bin lid down again.

Suddenly out of nowhere I feel really bad for putting his pancakes in the bin.

Great pregnancy is already getting to me.

Peeta sees that I'm crying and comes to hug me.

"Aww baby, why you crying?" he asks rubbing my back.

"Because I feel bad about throwing them away." I say wiping my tears.

"Katniss, it doesn't matter. Its only a few pancakes that mean nothing." Peeta says rubbing away a few more tears away.

"Okay." I answer finally stopping.

"Do you want something to eat now?" Peeta asks pulling away to look at me.

"Could I have some strew?" I ask suddenly craving it.

"Of corse, go and sit down." Peeta replys.

I sit back down on the sofa and about 15 minutes later Peeta comes back with two bowls full.

"Thank you." I say once he hands it to me.

"Your welcome." he replys sitting down.

We talk about our day, well I lie about my day saying how i 'stayed in bed all day' and he believes me.

He tells me about his day at the bakery and we finish up our tea.

Peeta leaves to take the bowls away and brings back a bag.

"Here's your surprise I promised." he smiles sitting back down next to me.

Just by the smell I already know what they are.

Thankfully I don't get the urge to be sick.

"Oh my gosh, cheese buns, thank you." I say maybe a but too happily.

"Your very welcome." he replies as I dig in.

I eat about 4 cheese buns before I feel full enough.

I place the bag back on the floor and lie back down on the sofa.

Peeta lies behind me resting his head on my shoulder.

"Are we sleeping here tonight?" Peeta questions in my ear.

"Yeah it's comfy and warm." I mumble closing my eyes.

Peeta picks up the blanket and wraps it nicely around me.

"Annie is leaving tomorrow." Peeta says reminding me.

"I know I told Finn I would walk with them to the train station." I say with my eyes closed half asleep.

"When did you see Annie and Finn?" Peeta asks making my eyes pop open.

Oops I forgot I was meant to be in bed all day.

"I didn't I called her cause I was bored." I lie.

"Alright." Peeta answers believing me.

I close my eyes drifting off to sleep.

"Goodnight katniss, sleep tight and I love you." Peeta says leaning around to kiss me goodnight.

"Good night Peeta, I love you to." I reply once we pull away.

I snuggle up against Peeta as he rests his arm on my stomach.

Not known that's where his unborn child lays.

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