The park

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"Peeta?" I call from the sofa in the living room.

"Yeah?" he replies coming to view.

"Do you think we should take them to the park?" I wonder looking at willow and Noah playing on the floor.

"I think that's a brilliant idea! should I make a picnic?" he asks.

"That'd by great." I say honestly.

Peeta wonders back into the kitchen to make a picnic as u turn my attention back to our children.

I see a curious Noah lean over and grab willows hair making her cry.

I quickly jump up pulling Noahs hands of willows hair carefully incase he hurt her anymore.

"Noah that's naughty." I say picking up a crying willow.

She leans her head on my shoulder starting to calm down.

I look at Noah to see he's nearly in tears making me feel bad.

"Oh Noah honey I'm not mad." I say bringing him also to my knee.

Peeta comes back into the living room confused to what's going on.

"What's happened?" he asks coming over to us.

"Noah pulled Willows hair and he started crying cause he thought I was mad." I say truthfully.

Peeta comes over and picks up Noah seeing he has now calmed down.

"You gonna say sorry to willow?" Peeta asks looking at willow who is now removed her head from my shoulder.

Noah nods before hugging willow making me and Peeta smile.

"You okay now?" I ask willow as I rub her smooth hair.

She smiles before moving from my knee back to the floor.

"You ready to go?" Peeta asks as I stand up.

"You made the picnic already?" I ask surprised.

"I'm superman what do you expect?" Peeta smirks making me laugh.

"In your dreams." I mumble Walking to get my boots.

"I heard that." Peeta calls from behind me.

By his voice I can tell that he is smiling.

We dress Noah and willow so they are nice and wrapped up even though the sun is out.

Winter is nearly over and it's only 2 months till our babies are 1.

10 months already.

This past year has gone so fast and it only seems like 5 minutes ago I was finding out I was pregnant.

Even though me and Peeta don't spend as much time alone together we both wouldn't change anything.

Willow and Noah have brought us closer together if that's even possible.

We place them into the double pushchair not wanting them to get hurt.

They can both walk now but still fall over quite a lot.

We leave the house, Peeta pushing the pushchair with the picnic hanging on the back.

As we come near the entrance of the pack I see two pink shoes flying in front.

"Willow you little monster." I say making her laugh.

"Keep these shoes on otherwise you can't play." I say picking up her shoes and putting them back on her small feet.

We take a walk near a pond that is just before the park.

A few people smile when they see us but no one bothers us badly.

A few say how beautiful our babies are and how good it is to see us.

We go into the park and I'm surprised to see there's not many people here.

A few kids and adults but apart from that it's rather quiet.

I suppose it is the holidays so they may be out as family's.

We go to the empty swings before placing willow in one and Noah in the other.

I put the pushchair on the breaks so it doesn't move in the slight wind.

I push Noah as Peeta pushes willow carefully since they are still little.

Noah points to the slide making me look at Peeta.

Peeta turns and sees what Noah wants before smirking at me.

"Off you go katniss." Peeta says before laughing.

"Your going to have to do aswell, he can't go by himself." he continues.

"You have got to be joking." I say stopping the swing with Noah in.

"I'm not joking and neither is Noah." Peeta says looking at Noah who is looking hopefully at me.

"Come on then baby." I say picking him out of the swing.

"Have fun." Peeta says turning his attention back to willow who is confused to what me and Noah are doing.

I suddenly get a sly thought that willow will want a go.

I decide to keep my thoughts to myself.

I climb up the steps with Noah in my arms.

I sit at the top and look down to see Peeta and willow at the bottom smiling.

"Come on katniss." Peeta calls.

I place Noah comfortably on my knee before pushing down.

Noah laughs all the way down obversely thinking this is the best thing ever and to be honest it's not that bad.

"That was quite good! did you like it Noah?" I ask throwing him in the air not to high.

"Go on Peeta your turn." I say looking at willow who looks like she wants a go.

"What if I get stuck?" Peeta wonders looking at the slide.

"Excuses excuses." I smirk.

Peeta smiles at me before climbing the steps and sitting at top just like I did.

He holds on to willow and pushes himself down the slide.

I watch as Willow face lights up but Peetas is a different thing.

"I didn't like that." he says getting up.

"At least you went down." I say Leaning over to kiss his soft lips.

"Should we get some lunch now?" Peeta wonders looking at the watch on his wrist.

"Sure." I reply walking to get the pushchair.

We find a nice spot on the grass before lying the mat and sitting down.

"Katniss." Peeta says handing me a sandwich.

"Thank you." I reply as we eat as a family together.

204k reads, that's mental thank you so much.

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