The horror i face

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I'm in the woods when I hear a twig snap. I turn around to see Gale standing there.

I'm not happy about seeing Gale since my arms still haven't healed so I start walking away from him.

"Where do you think your going Catnip?" he asks while walking over to me.

I don't answer him but this causes him to grab me by the arm and drag me against a tree.

I'm scared that he's going to hurt me again so I try to scream.

It's no use though because he kicks me on the leg. "shut up you idiot."

He puts his hand on my leg and I can feel the tears starting to fall.

He starts kissing my neck hard and i try pushing him off me but it's no use. His grip on me is to hard.

He pushes me onto the floor and I hit my head really hard that I'm struggling to stay awake.

"Gale stop! why are you doing this?" I ask crying really hard.

"Just shut up will you. If you want Peeta over me then you have to pay. I am so much better than him." he says climbing on top of me.

"I love Peeta and there's no way I would want to marry you. Your abusive and I'm scared to be near you." I say but by the amount of crying I'm doing he probably can't understand me.

"Well see how scared of me you are now." he says and just as he finishes he punches me in the face.

My face is pouring with blood and I reach my hand around to the side of my head to see I'm bleeding there aswell.

"What happened to my best friend?" I mumbled but it was a bad move because he heard me.

He hit me again in the stomach really hard I was nearly sick.

"You deserve this." Is all he says before ripping of my tshirt.

I scream again but this time it's the person I love the most calling me.

"Katniss thank god you have woken up I was so scared!" he says bringing me into his arms.

"What happened this time? what was your nightmare about?" he asks trying to calm me down.

It's not walking though because I still feel like what happened was real.

I start looking around the room making sure everything looks normal.

"It was Gale. He was punching me and he ripped open my top and screaming that I deserved this and if I'm not with him this is what has to happen." I say all at once still a bit shaken up.

"It's not real baby, I won't let anything happen to you and like I said yesterday if Gale ever touched you again I would kill him." He says pulling me as close as possible.

Peetas pov:

I'm still really angry about what happened to katniss yesterday but I promised her I wouldn't do anything stupid.

But now she's having nightmares about him hurting her.

If I ever see Gale I'm not sure I will be able to keep calm. I will always protect katniss.

So if that means keeping her well away from Gale then that's what I will do.

I can feel her shaking. "Come here your cold" I say putting her back into the blanket.

Somehow with me pulling her into my arms must of made the blanket get crumbled up.

"I'm sorry that I woke you." she says but I've got no idea why she's sorry.

"You don't need to be sorry. I'm here when ever you need me." I say stroking her hair.

"Do you want to go back to sleep? it's only 4.30" I ask her.

"Yeah okay." she says snuggling into me further than normal.

If she moved even just one inch along she should be lying on my full body but I don't mind.

"You don't need to be scared. I'm here and he can't come into the victors village." I say trying to reassure her.

"Thank you Peeta for everything." she whispers.

"Thank you to also. Just been with you is the best thing that's ever happened to me." I say smiling.

"I love you my boy with the bread." I hear her say quietly.

"I love you to my beautiful girl on fire." I answer back but her heavy breathing shows she's already sleeping.

I smile at how cute she looks on my chest.

I smile at the thought of been with her forever.

I smile at the thought of her sweet lips on mine and how she's not afraid to show her feelings anymore.

I smile at how good she feels and looks in my arms where she belongs.

No one can hurt her. Not if I have anything to do with it.

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