Storm 2

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I quickly make my way to town and realising that I'm not going to make it back home in time so I decide to find somewhere to stay.

By this time my clothes are soaking and now are sticking to me.

I turn when I hear a sound and I see the door to Sae's soup shop open.

"Come on in" she says, her face looking concerned as she takes in the sight of me. I forgot she moved here.

"Oh" I say, surprised to see someone "thank you"

I don't waste any time getting inside. I take a seat at one of the tables as Sae gets me some soup.

"What were you doing out in that weather?" she asks

"I was hunting" I say

"In this weather? Aha we're you planning on getting downed animals?" She asks with a laugh.

I shake my head slightly smiling at her joke.

"No, it wasn't like this when I left" I reply honestly.

"Hmm," she says.

The worse of the storm passes by so that it's only drizzling now and I decide it time to head home. I thank Sae once again as I leave.

I walk home at a quick pace eager to get back to Peeta hoping he isn't worried about me.

My hair and clothes start to get soaked again and I'm really starting to get cold.

Just as I'm about to reach for the door handle the door swings inwards and there standing is a very worried and angry looking peeta.

His eye widen so wide I think his eye balls might pop out. His face changes to relief as he reaches out wrapping his arms around me as he pulls me inside.

"Peeta" I say

"I was so worried katniss" I hear him say before he pulls back to look at my face.

"Where were you? and how could you go out in this weather?" he asks

I don't even get a chance to answer because his lips are on mine.

When we pull away he face is more calmer. "you have to be careful katniss, I can't loose you"

"You won't" I say

Peeta starts to touch my wet hair. "what took you so long to get back?" he asks

"Sae let me come into her shop until the storm was over." I tell him truthfully.

I feel Peeta relax a little against me "why didn't you call?" He wonders.

"You know she doesn't have a phone" I say like it's obvious.

"Oh yeah" Peeta says now smiling a little

"You must be freezing" he says as he walks to the closet to grab a towel

"I am." I say slipping out of my boots and jacket as I hang them to dry.

I pull the tie out of my hair as Peeta runs the towel through it trying to dry it off.

"Your too wet, I think you need a shower" he says as he picks me up and carries me up the stairs.

He gets the shower ready as I start stripping off my clothes.

I am well aware that Peeta is staring at me but I'm not scared about showing my scars anymore.

Once I've stripped off I turn to see Peeta has started to take off his clothes as well.

"Did I say you could join?" I ask teasing him with a smirk.

"Well no but please" he says giving me the puppy dog face he knows I can't say no to.

"Okay then but no silly business." I say trying not to smile.

"Okay I promise" he says smirking and I'm sure I heard him saying whatever under his breath.

With that we step in the shower together trying to get some heat in our body's that the cold took out.

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