A change to the world

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I wake up feeling much better than the last time I woke up just earlier this morning.

I rolled over and roll straight into Peeta.

Confused at first thinking he's normally downstairs or at the bakery on a morning.

But then I remember we're on our honeymoon and today we are going to the beach.

Suddenly I'm excited, maybe too excited but I start jumping up and down on the sofa trying to wake Peeta.

"Peeta wake up." I say jumping up and down.

It doesn't take long before his eyes pop open and he's looking at me weird.

"What are you doing? it's like 8 in the morning." he says rubbing the sleep out his eyes.

"It's half 9 in the morning and I'm excited." I say finally sitting down looking at Peeta.

"What you excited for? spending the whole day with me?" Peeta asks smirking.

"Actually im excited for the beach." I say teasing him.

"What about me?" Peeta asks pouting.

"Mmmmmm, okay maybe you aswell." I say leaning down to kiss him but he pulls away.

"Go and kiss the sand." Peeta says trying to be serious but I can see the smile trying not to form on his handsome face.

"No I wanna kiss you." I say now pouting.

"Your more excited to be with the beach than me." he says trying not to laugh at my pouting face.

"I was only joking." I say in a baby voice making him laugh.

"I know you were." he finally says pulling my lips into his.

Our lips melt into each other so perfect, they are like we were made for each other.

After kissing for a while I go up stairs to take a shower while Peeta stays down to make pancakes.

I take a rather quick shower just wanting to be back with Peeta again.

After washing my hair and braiding it I grab my swim suit from my suitcase.

When I say swimsuit I actually mean bikini.

I pull my bikini on and pull over shorts and a t shirt over the top to keep me warm.

I open the curtains to see the sun shining beautiful over the perfect view we have of the beach.

Going to the beach really excites me since I don't go very often.

In fact this is the first time I'm here with Peeta since the tour.

I walk downstairs to see Peeta must of got changed when I was having a shower cause he's wearing shorts and a t shirt.

I whistle using my fingers and he turns around smirking.

"Like what you see?" he ask smirking.

"Very much." I say but I don't get to say much more because my stomach grumbles.

"Hungry?" Peeta asks smiling at me as I sit down at the table.

"More than I thought I was." I say and thanking Peeta as he places a couple of pancakes on my plate.

We eat and talk about the day ahead of us and just generally enjoying each other's presence.

"Should we take a picnic with us today?" Peeta asks as I help clean up.

"Yeah do you wanna get started while I put these dishes away?" I ask him thinking it would be easier.

"You sure? I don't mind doing both." Peeta says sweetly.

"It's fine, I can handle it." I say honestly.

I wash the last plate and place everything we used away back to the places they belong in.

Just as I'm shutting the cupboard door Peeta closes the basket which I'm assuming is now full.

I smile at him as I go back upstairs to our suitcases.

I collect my sandals and get Peetas shoes while I'm at it and bring them both downstairs.

"Thank you." Peeta says after I hand him his shoes.

We don't get any jackets because the temperature is boiling.

Peeta grabs the basket and we walk out the door.

After I lock it and place the keys safely in Peetas wallet we connect hands.

As we turn around we get the fresh warm air surrounding us.

It's a perfect temperature because it's not too hot but at the same time it's not cold.

"You ready for a wonderful day?" Peeta asks looking down to me.

"More than ready." I answer still as excited as the morning.

I feel the sand on the bottom of my feet making me smile widely.

I look around at the change of atmosphere to what it was the games were here.

Children and their parents are actually having fun with nothing to fear about.

I'm glad that young and old people can have a better future even though a lot happened to get the world like this.

The music is playing loudly and the sound of the sea is thrilling to me.

'Welcome to districts 4 most exciting beach''

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