You were warned

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As soon as I see Peeta I jump into his arms and he picks me up as I wrap my legs around him.

"Woah someone's missed me." he says laughing.

"I did and I don't get to stay with you tonight" I say hugging him to death.

"I know but it's only for a little while." he says squeezing me.

"I know but il still miss you." I say as my legs touch the floor again.

"Il miss you too but after tonight we don't have to be apart again." he says making my smile reappear.

"That's how I want it." I tell him.

"Me too." he replies bringing me in for a sweet kiss.

"What time are you going to Johanna's?" he question as we pull away.

"About 5." I say looking at the clock.

I see that the time is only 11 so we still have plenty of time.

"Do you want to eat now?" he asks as he takes of his shoes and jacket.

"Might as well." I say as we walk into our kitchen.

"Do you want to help me make some cookies?" he asks me making me give him a are you serious look.

"I can't make anything, I will just ruin them. " I say frowning again.

Peeta walks over to me and lifts up my chin so my eyes meet his.

"Not when you have a brilliant cook like me to help you." he says smiling widely.

"Don't flatter yourself." I say joking.

I decide to help Peeta since I sometimes get bored watching him and I want to spend as much time as possible with him.

We set up the ingredients and get to work.

Peeta helps me with most of it but even though I could do most of the things like tipping in a bit of sugar into a bowl.

I thought having Peeta put his hands on mine would be better.

"Right ready for the oven." he says picking up the tray and putting it inside.

Peeta makes my favourite beaf stew and we lie down on the sofa waiting for it to bing.

2 hours later.

"Katniss, come on you need to get up." someone says.

"Come on lazy bones, you need to go to Johanna and Annie's." The voice says again.

I shoot up confused and realise I must have fallen asleep on Peeta waiting for the cookies.

"What time is it?" I ask rubbing my eyes.

"It's 10 to 5 you need to get ready to go." he tells me making my eyes pop out their sockets.

"Why didn't you wake me earlier?" I ask him quickly sitting up and getting my shoes.

"I didn't want to wake you, you looked so peaceful." he says

I walk into the kitchen and see the cookies lying perfectly on the bench.

And to my surprise they actually look alright but what am I saying? Peeta did most of the work.

"Wow they look yummy." I say examining them.

"You can have one you know." he says picking one up and handing it to me.

"Could I please take one for Finn aswell?" I question excited to see him.

"Yeah of course, let me put them in a bag." he says walking to the cupboard.

He hands me a bag with the cookies in and I carefully put them inside my bag for Annie's.

"I guess, il see you later then." I say trying not to cry.

It might sound stupid saying that but I actually will miss him.

"Il see you tomorrow baby." he says hugging me.

Once we pull away I bring his lips down to mine and even though I'm loosing my breath I carry on kissing him.

Suddenly I'm dragged away from Peeta and I turn to see Johanna with her arms around me.

"I told you I would come and get you brainless, it's 5.01" Johanna says smirking.

"Are you serious Johanna? 5.01" I say pulling a face.

"Yeah I'm serious come on time to go. Finn wants to see you." she says and thinking of Finn makes me smile.

I give one last hug and kiss to Peeta before I'm dragged away from him again while Johanna blabs on about how I will see him tomorrow.

I blow one last kiss and smile as he blows one back before I can't see him anymore through the darkness.

And already I miss him so much.

You love me real or not real?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang