GIFT chapter 8

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Namjoon melted his heart as he saw his little bean crying. He stand up and hold jungkook hands. They walk towards his seokjin that is hugging the little dhamphir in his arms.

"Jinnie, why are you cry baby?" seokjin turn around so he can hug his father that is already kneeling.

"Are you gonna vanish me father, because you have your rightful heir? But Please don't vanish me i have no place to go. I don't want also to leave by your side" seokjin said that shock everyone in the room. How can a 5 years old think about this things.

"Shhhuussh, jinnie, who told you that i will vanish you? I will never do that. Your the most important thing for me" explain Namjoon. Jungkook clench his fist and his eyes is full of anger as he glare at seokjin. Taehyung saw it. He want to hiss at this stranger but he can't. Because there so many people here.

"Please baby, believe me. Don't think about those thing okay. Your daddy love you so much" continue Namjoon as he nozzles his nose to seokjin. Seokjin giggles. Namjoon stand up.

"Jinnie, i would like you to meet your big brother Jungkook. He will also protect you." Seokjin smile and walk towards his brother. "Hello hyung" he hug jungkook. Everyone was shock when jungkook push seokjin. He stumble in the ground and taehyung dash towards him to pick him up.

"I'm not your hyung, i don't have a hybrid brother like you....Where is my mother" jungkook shout. As he look around for his mother. Seokjin cry as he heard those hurtful words.

Namjoon slap jungkook, which make him stumble.

"Is that what your mother thought you? Huh! Being disrespectful towards your brother. From now on you will stay here i will show you how to respect others"

"No! I will go with my mother. I don't want to stay in this filthy house with a hybrid like him" jungkook shout as he pointed his fingers to seokjin.

"Your mother is gone, whether you like it or not. You will stay here that's an order" namjoon said in a stern voice, he signal 2 guards to come and pick jungkook. " take him away. To the guest room" he said.

"Nooooo, i don't want to. Nohh!" He shouted as he wiggle, struggles and kick the guards. When they gone upstairs. Namjoon look at his little baby. He kneel as he hug his son that is sobbing so hard.

"Hush jinnie, your brother is just upset. That's why he said those things"

"He despise me father. What did i wrong?" Said the crying child.

"Shhhuushh! Jinnie you didn't do anything wrong. He was just not himself today" Namjoon try to calm his son.

"Yes, jinnie. Your brother just need a little time" said the little taehyung.

"I'm sorry, you two seen it. Just forget everything that happen. Okay!....who wants pancakes?" Said namjoon so the kids will take their mind off what happened.

"Me" said the two in unison.

Namjoon begun to cook the chocolate chip pancakes, that the two requested.

The two are now happy eating the pancakes. Namjoon told Aisha to bring the other pancakes to jungkook.
But it end up throw by jungkook. Aisha got wound on his hands. Because jungkook was gonna throw it to her face. She just use her hands as shield. Namjoon heard Aisha scream. He excuse himself from the eating hybrid.

Namjoon run towards the room. He open the door and he got furious as he saw Aisha was bleeding and jungkook was laughing at her.

"Aisha, heal your self. Don't let the kids saw your wounds. I will take of him" said the head alpha.

"I will not tolerate what you done jungkook, if you don't want to eat. Fine no food for you." Namjoon said as he left the room. He lock it and put two guards on the door.

He was mad as he came downstairs. But his anger was replace with a smile as he saw the two where playing with the syrup. Seokjin smell his father scent it was awful scent before but now it return to a normal scent.

"Father, did something happened?" Ask the worried seokjin.

"No, there's nothing happened. Did you finish your food before you play with the syrup"

"Yes sir we did, jinnie started it"

"Noh! Hyung started it" seokjin pout.

"You too need to take a bath, your uncle's will be here any minute" said namjoon.

"Okay, daddy. Lets go hyung" seokjin happily said. As he held taehyung's hands.

Namjoon dont know what will he do with the arrogant behavior of jungkook. He want to protect from seokjin from everyone that thought his a freak. But how he can protect seokjin from his other son? Namjoon knew it was difficult but. He will make it work. He will make jungkook a better man.


Sorry for the short update.

I hope you like it angels...

I was just thinking to make this story longer.
Would you still read it if its longer.

Thankyou also for 26 reads for this books.


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