20 Hz chapter 1

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Taehyung is one of the famous member of band Bts. Everyone love him and including the wild spirit's that is all around him. But he doesn't know that he has this gift until now.

Human hearing is capable of detecting sound waves from
20 - 20,000 hz. Normal human can't hear anything, just a buzzing sound waves. But for taehyung he can hear something.



I was startle of when I heard it. I throw my headphones after i remove the it from . What is that, I said to myself.

I was scared but, I'm also curious. About that sweet voice that I heard. Is that a ghost? Like the one I saw in the television show that hunt ghost. But I know that they use different device, not like this device that I'm using.

After 10 minutes I still stared at his headset that I remove earlier. Maybe it's gone now.

Or I just assume that what ever that i heard, its gone by now. So I grab the headphone And put it on.

At last he doesn't heard anything. Maybe its just just my imagination. So I started to sing again.
Imagine your face

Say hello to me

Then all the bad days

They're nothing to me
With you

Winter bear

Ooh, ooh, ooh

Sleep like a winter bear

Ooh, ooh, ooh

Sleep like a winter bear.

I stop, because I felt the someone touching the two sides of my cheeks. I can't move.

"Please help me, I know you can hear me. Taehyung."

What the, he knows my name.

"What? How did you know my name?"

"I'm a fan of your group bts" answer the man from the headphones.

"How can I help you?"
I guess I have no choice but to help him. I don't want to deal with a vengeful ghost.

"There some one, using my body"


"I was on coma for one year, my spirit was separated from my body, then from that day on I keep finding my body, I struggle so hard cause there so many spirit that wanted to tainted me. Then I finally seen my body. But I was to late, there someone inside my body and I can't get in, even I'm the real owner of that body. Please help me taehyung, your the only one that can help me."

"But how can I help, I'm just a normal guy."

"Your not normal taehyung, cause your a shaman. You inherit it from your grandmother."

"How, did you know about my grand mother?"

"I saw her, before she walk to the light, she said that you can help me with my problem."

"Really you saw her," my tears felt down on my cheeks, I just his hands wiping my tears. He's hands are warm just like my grandmother.

"Don't worry, she tell me to stay by your side if you need me."

"So whats your name.?" I ask

"My name is seokjin, Kim Seokjin, im..."

"Taehyung, who are you talking too?" Are conversation is been cut by yoongi hyung.

"No one, I'm just creating lyrics for my demo." Yoongi hyung nod. And left the room.

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