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I arrived after the king, me and the king supposed to have our wedding tomorrow. Yes I'm going be the husband of the king and father of little seokjin.

I love seokjin, my nephew. Yes his my nephew, I am hoseok the brother of selene. I love yoongi ever since we met, but yoongi love her sister selene. That's why he was devastated when selene run away with that demon. He curse that demon that he will have his Selene back. So he spend 20 years with those monk, cause he knows that only monks can defeat demons like jungkook.

And after he knows the ways of the monks, he find selene and won the battle against jungkook. I'm a witness when yoongi push him self to my sister, he raped my sister and got her pregnant. My sister is kind hearted that's why he stay with yoongi side even of she's not happy. Then seokjin came into these world, he looks like my sister. It made yoongi happy, but my sister is not happy with him so he decide to run away. But they were caught by yoongi. The furious yoongi accidentally push selene in the stairway of the castle. And she die because of the severe fall. Yoongi was devastated by what happened he's blaming him self for what happened. That's why he focus his love on affection to his little seokjin.

And I am there in everything he do and eventually he fall's In love with me were so happy. I know my sister will be happy too.

I arrive at the castle, why everyone is in panic? What happen in here? I ask one of the soldier.

"The king, was mad, because the prince is been kidnap by that demon named jungkook"

Jungkook. That's Selene lover I said to myself. That's not his nature. I met him before and I saw how much my sister adore and love him.

Then I saw yoongi dragging seokjin to the throne.

"What happened my king,why are you dragging seokjin? And why seokjin is crying?

"Seokjin! GO TO YOUR ROOM!" Seokjin still crying as he run to his room.

"King please answer me."

"Lets go to our room" he held my hands and we went to our room. He close the door.

"Jungkook, did it again he kidnap seokjin, just like he did with selene, why does he keep everything from me. At first he steal my love then after 18 years he's going to steal my son." Yoongi spoke angrily.

"But he didn't steal my sister from you. Because my sister run away from you, because she love's jungkook not you." He slap my face. My tears want to fall. But I have to be strong, I have to enlighten him, because he's out of his mind.

"That's the truth yoongi, your so in love to the person, that is in love with someone else. Face the truth selene can't love you, that's why you raped her."

"Is it true, you raped my mother? Were shock to see seokjin in front the open door.

"Yes seokjin, yoongi rape your mother and she got pregnant and your the offspring of yoongi and selene."

"But you said that jungkook is my father." He looks at yoongi, that looking down.

"How could you lie to me father, you said that jungkook was my father and our love is taboo." Seokjin said while crying. Then he run fast, then we heard a crashing sound.

We run towards the staircase, we saw seokjin full of blood. Yoongi held seokjin in his arms.

"It happened again, I'm sorry seokjin" he carry his baby to his room and then he gather all the best healer in town to heal his baby. But no one could heal the badly wounded prince.


I was badly hurt, because I didn't fight those soldiers that attack me, I was still shock to know that seokjin is my son. Maybe that's the reason why I fell in love with seokjin to fast. Its because were father and son. I hated my self for taking advantage of him. Cause I kiss him, hug him and I've taken his virginity from him. but I still want to be with my son. Its been almost a week since it happens, I remember that I wake up after the 3 days. And I'm still healing self till today. A loud flapping of wings came outside my hut. I know it's taehyung and his husband jimin.

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