GIFT chapter 3

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Yuna is five months pregnant to seokjin now. She and namjoon live happily in there small tribe. Yuna learn ways of the native omega in the tribe. Their all respected and welcome yuna, even she's not one of there kind. She became a respectful luna.

"Yuna my love, we should hurry. The council is waiting for us." Said namjoon as he wait for his wife to come out in the bathroom.

"Just a minute, love. Seokjin is kicking my bladder hard. I have to pee" yuna explain even if she's in the bathroom.

"Seokjin, really cant wait to come out" said namjoon as he smile.

"Yes, love i think hes really excited" said yuna. After 20 minutes of waiting yuna came out of the bathroom.

"Lets go" she said. Yuna is looking georgeous even if she has a big tummy, shes still beautiful. Yuna is a bit excited too because. He will meet vampire's in the meeting. She really want to see his kind, its been so long since she saw one.

Namjoon held her hands and the slowly walk on the stairways. The two look magnificent. The term alpha and luna really suits them a lot.

They came about 20 minutes pass. They walk to the hallway. Yuna feeling nervious. Then Namjoon open the large door where the meeting is. Yuna's eyes became wide as he saw the vampires he doesnt want to see. The two vampires where also shock to see their doll were bloated. The two where smiling, they act normal. But deep inside they want to take here away from this wolf.

Yuna just hold Namjoon's arms. Namjoon knows that there's something bothering his Luna.

"Greetings, Alpha Namjoon and the beautiful Luna Yuna" said the man on the center of the rectangle table.

"Thank you Alpha jowon"

"Let's start the meeting shall We?" Ask the another wolf.

The council meeting ended fine. Yuna finally breaths. "Wait here love, my father call me" said Namjoon. Yuna just nod. She's only left in the room. But something hit her nose. It was the two familiar scent that he love before.

"Well.... well...well what do we have here" said Chaneol. The two are now in front of her

"that's why we can't see you. it turns your making out to an alpha. Your really a slut. Yuna" glared San.

"Shut up! You didn't know what I've been thru. It's all because of you chanyeol and San. But I thank you for breaking my heart because I found my mate. A man that can fight for me, because he's not a coward like you two. So go back to your mother's " Yuna hiss at the two.

San could not take the fault lagauge, he's gonna slap her. But Namjoon held his hands.

"Don't you dare lay your hands on my Luna" he growl as he saidit.

"Luna? i didn't know wolfs will be so cheap finding there mate. Did you know that your so called Luna was just our sex toy. She just love having sex with us. She's a toy for fun." Mock Chaneoul. Namjoon couldn't take it so he punch Chaneoul in the face. Then he also give San a punch.

"Love, stop it. There not worthy of out time" said Yuna as he grab Namjoon' s arms.

"Never, mocked my wife. You
bastards" Namjoon said. They turn around.

"We promise you two will never end up happy. Cause where going to get you yuna"

That gives yuna chills. they get out of the place.


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