BLACK HAIR DEMON part 2 episode 4

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Saturday is near, im excited but a bit nervous. Cause my heat us gonna start either saturday or sunday. I don't know if I should go or not. But I really want to see all of them, even they just look alike my love one, so I made a decision I will go to their apartment on Saturday. But. I will not stay long.


I'm getting ready, what should I ware? I try different outfits. I just choose this simple outfit.

 I just choose this simple outfit

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( just imagine jin is blond)

This looks okay, I saw it was displayed on the mannequin so I buy the whole outfit including the shoes. I'm ready. I have my heat suppressant, cause I better be ready than sorry.

I'm just waiting for tae hyung to call me. Cause he said that he will fetch me. So I was waiting in the lobby, I'm holding the flyers that they gave me when i bought this phone. I'm caressing at jungkook photo. I will see you again my love after a hundred years of waiting. Then my phone vibrates and tae hyung' s name flash to the screen. I answer it quickly.

"Hello tae hyung, I'm ready"

"Wow, that's quite quick. I will be in 5 seconds" he end the call.

"Tadda, I'm here." I heard tae hyungs deep voice as he shouted, he's still wearing black mask. "Are you ready" he as and I nod. The we walk towards the car. He open the door of the car. He's such a gentle man. Then the driver drove us to their apartment.

"Are you excited?" He ask.

"I'm more nervous than excited." I said and then he hold my hands.

"Don't be, they will love you."

"O-key" why I'm like this, I'm feeling that something is gonna happened. After 20 minutes we arrive in the huge apartment building. "Wow" is the only word I can utter. I heard tae hyungie giggle then I take a look at him and he stop.

"Let's go" he said and we enter there apartment complex. Then we enter the elevator and tae hyung push the button no. 10 then after a minute.


The elevator door open, then we step out. And wake to their apartment. I first saw my father yoongi. And I hug him tight. "Father" I want to cry.

"You have a son, yoongi hyung." I heard my appa's voice. I break the hug from my father or should I say yoongi. I saw his quite shock. Then I went to my appa and hug him. "Appa" I said, and my tears started to flow.

"Hahaha! You also have a son hoseok." Said the other guy, I think namjoon is his name.

"Sorry for him, his parents just look like you two" they all nod. Then my wonder my eyes to the living room, I can't find jimin hyung and jungkook.

"I would like you all to meet, my friend" they smile at me, then my father came my way.

"Nice to meet you seokjin, you have a nice name. If I will have a son, I will also name him seokjin." He offered a hand shake and I accepted it and I smile to him.

"Your so beautiful seokjin" I shyly said "thank you"

"Hello I'm namjoon," he also offer a handshake and I accepted it.

"Hyung, were is jungkook?" Ask tae, my heart beats faster. This is it I will see my love.

"He's upstairs with jimin" namjoon answer. Why are they together. I ask my self?.

"Lets go seokjin," I turn to tae hyung smiling. He held my hands and we walk upstairs. My heart is beating like a drum. Then we stop to the front of the door. Tae hyung knocks 2 times, its not lock, so tae open the door.

My mouth hangs open with the sight. Jimin hyung is riding jungkook, they having sex. I know this is sex because we did this many times, me and jungkook before. Then he saw me, jungkook saw me, then he just stare at me but he never stop. That's the time my tears fall down. Tae hyung turn me around and hug me.


everything goes according to plan, jinnie will not fantasizing you jungkook. He will forget about you. Its just sad he love the wrong demon. Thank you for breaking his heart, don't worry I will mend it. I also thank you jungkook for giving seokjin your life. Cause we can leave forever Happy with our children. Jimin hyung saw me and I smirk. I saw jungkook holding his head. Then I close the door.

"I'm sorry I didn't know there having sex." I told seokjin as he still Cry's in my hooked neck.
But of course it was planted all alone. I open my door that leads to my room. Then the sweet smell hits my nose. Well well is it a lucky day for me, seokjin is gonna have heat soon.


I was clueless cause, out of the blue jimin hyung want to have sex with me. But who am I to reject my love's request. But I almost forgot taehyung hyung will introduce his friends to us, he seems special to him. But my hyung needs me more.

I really didn't notice that the door open and there is tae hyung and the man. He look at me and He started to crying, he seems familiar then hyung close the door. But as he close the scent hits my nose. "Mate" I said then my head hurts. My vision got blurry then these image's flashes to my head. My tears drops how can I forget the love of my life, I'm so stupid. I started to dress up, I saw jimin smile at me as if he knows that I got my memory back.

"Go save seokjin, go save your love" he's tears fell. But still smiling.

"Thank you" then I leave our room. I walk out the room. I don't know were to look for him, but I stop in front tae hyungs room. I smell him here. I open the door and I saw hyung carrying my love, what the, seokjin have five tails, he became a demon like me. I want to step in the room but there's a barrier keep me from coming in.

"Shit! Give me back my seokjin" tea hyung open a gate way.

Before they go in the gate way. He look at me.

"Thank you, for broken his heart jungkook."he smirk. Then go in the gate way.

Shit seokjins in heat I said as I curse my self.

Author notes.

Seokjin, is not using hyungs when he called or address yoongi, hoseok and namjoon cause he's older than them.

Seokjin address hyungs to, jimin and he use tae hyung to address tae and he didn't use any honorific to jungkook cause he his love and he's the youngest out of the four demon.

Sorry for confusion.

Thankyou for 8k reads on my book 1 of mini series.

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