NEKO full story

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This is the first time I will do this kind of the story.



That cat is stairing at me again, the yellow and blue eyes, I was amaze at those eyes before. But that was long time ago.

"what you looking at? I said "I will not feed you. So go home and never comeback here" I shout at the cat as if he can understand me. How can I feed him if im also hungry. my mother is not here yet.

and I didn't eat for two days now. Good thing there's a water in the faucet. The water made my stomach full.

But the cat just stair at me with those eye. I want to stab it.

"I said GET OUT" I shout again and this time I carry him toss him from the 2nd floor of our house. I'm so mad but I felt sorry mr. Cat, because he can feel my wrath, its better if hes not here. Cause hes just gonna died from hunger just like me.

I want to find a job so I can eat properly, but they lock me in this house. I feel like I'm a prisoner here. Please some one help me.

Then I heard the somebody is unlocking. I stand up and run fast towards downstairs. I saw the open. I smile wide when I saw my father.

"Father" I greeted him. But im just like a invisible to him, he walk pass me.

"Father" I greeted him again. But he just walk upstairs in their bedroom. I saw him messing up there cabinet, I think he's looking for something. I walk towards him. "Father don't mess mothers things, she will be mad." I stop him, I grab his wrist so he can stop. But he punch my stomach, he punch me 3 times, then my legs trembles and I'm out the balance I drop on the floor. "Shut up, your just a freeloader here." He kick me before he get out the house. He just leave me crying in the floor.

How can they be so cruel to there own son. Sometimes I wish I wasn't born, I hate living like this. Then I saw this cat again he just stares at me.

"What! your probably laughing at me now right. Cause I'm miserable right. Did I tell you leave me alone" I'm close to being called crazy cause I'm talking to a cat.

Then I feel dizzy because of exhaustion, hunger and because my body aches.

The next morning, I was awaken by someone unlocking the door. I didn't move from the floor. I heard my mother came to the room.

"Seokjin" she shout. She can't find something. "Seokjin, did I tell you that you guard this room."

"Y-es" I answer in almost a whisper.

"Then why you let your father in here" she said as her face looks furious in me. I try to stand up using the bed as my support. Finally I got up. But I felt down again because my mother slap me on the face. Good thing I felt down on the bed.

"You really a bad luck. No food for you" she said, my eyes widen in shock.

"But mother, I'm not eating for the past two days. Please mother let me eat" I kneel before her, I wish she have mercy. But no she is a cold hearted. She just leave me again. I just went to my room.

I was just lying on the bed and staring the ceiling waiting for my death. Then I saw the cat again, and his carrying a lunch box. I was puzzled where did he get it. The cat move even towards me, he lay the lunch box slowly in the bed.

"Mmnnm that's smell good" I said the cat came near me and he rub his head on my face. It made me smile. I rub the back of its ears and he purrs.

I open the luch box and those bento makes drool. Wow this is the first time im going to eat a deluxe food. I think I give this cat a name, but I really forgot it thats why im calling him mr. Cat.

"Thankyou mr. Cat" I said and put a happy smile. I started to eat. Wow it taste like heaven. I finish it in just a minute. Im so full.

"Thank you mr. Cat" the cat just meow in response. Im so happy cause I'm playing with Mr. Cat. I didn't hear my father calling me downstairs.

I just heard a my door felt down, I saw my father's angry face. He grab my collar.

"Didn't you hear, I call you several time's. Are you deaf now. Huh!" He shouted at my face. Then he stop. He lifted my chin up and analyze my face.

"Wow seokjin, I didn't realize that you grown so fast and you grown to have a beautiful features." He said with a smirk.

It gave me chills looking at him"Im sorry father, I didn't heard you I was to busy." I said just to brush of my bad though. I will get out the room but he stop me. He grip in my hand.

"Can we talk" I look at him and I nod. He held my hand and let me sit on beside him.

"Do you want to go, to a place that you will have lots food, shelter and give you nice clothes and you will be free. My eyes widden.

"Really!! father" I ask with full of excitement.

"Yes, you will be happy there and they will treat you like a prince. But you have to go under training, I will personally train you" and I nod.

"Now strip"

Slightly mature theme ahead.


"What did you said father?" I ask, cause I might hearing it wrong.

"Are you deaf? I said strip!" He aggressively pull me into his arms.

"Nooo! father stop it" I said to my father. But he seem to find a neck tie and then tie it to my hands.

"Just do what I say"he shouted but I keep wiggle and kicking him. But he manage to punch me to the stomach that made me kneel towards him. Then my father strip him self.


The mother came to the house, she went upstairs and heard someone's moaning. She stop at seokjin's room. She open the door and startle at what she saw.

Seokjin is nude and his husband. Seokjin is kneeling and sucking his husband.

Her blood boiled, she rush to them and grab seokjin in his hair. She slap and punch seokjin. She didn't notice seokjin is crying cause he doesn't want to obey his father and he's tied up. Her mother is only angry at him.
She keep slapping him and she didn't realize that seokjin is in the edge of the stair. One last strong slap, seokjin slip and felt on there long wooden stairs. And he drop dead at the end of the stairs. He's head was bleeding so bad.

Her mother was shock and trembled at what she did. She doesn't want to go in jail. Then he's husband came rushing to her and look at the lifeless body of there son"

"What the hell happened? What should we do?" Ask the father.

"Dont ask, just clean this up and get rid of the body" the father rush to the room and gather some blanket. He first clean those blood in the floor and then wrap seokjin lifeless body in the blankets. Then he carry the pitiful teen outside there house. The father open the trunk The car and his son warp in a blanket.

The father drove into the forest. He stop at the near tree. And then he open the trunk he get first a shovel he put it near the tree. then he carry the dead body of his son. He start digging thats enough for the size of dead body of seokjin. After almost 30 minutes finally seokjin fits. He just throw the body on the pit.

"Good bye son, it's said I didn't get a chance to taste you"

Then the father left at the cold and wet pit. The cat came near the pit. He pity his master, he didn't get the chance to have a name. He love him he got attached to him. Even thou sometime he do bad things to him. But the cat was also happy. Because he's peaceful and free now.

The end.


I combined 2 chapter into 1

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