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I was full of anger when i heard seokjin, crying for help in his sleep. My innocent seokjin was abuse again by his heartless parents.

I had enough at his parents. Its time For them to be punish, they deserve what I'm going to do with them. Teahyung's  cat eyes has full of anger.

He grab his phone from his pocket and dial a number.
After 2 rings someone answer,

"hello, who is this?" The man on the other side ask.

"Hello father"


"Yes, your one and only son"

"How are you, please come home son" the man plead.

Taehyung knew his father. Since he was 15 years old. Taehyung found his father in the cemetery in the tomb stone of  mother. His father accepted him for being a hybrid, but his mother didn't want taehyung, she wants to drown taehyung on the river. But luckily yoongi was around. His father want him to be with him. But taehyung choose tobe with his own kind. He's father understand his decision, he visit taehyung in the mansion and help them maintain the mansion and give them everything they need.

"Father, i need you help"

"Anything for you son"


There is a convention for CEO of south Korea, in the convention they talk about new strategies for their companies. Kim namjoon is present in the said convention. He was amaze how the convention is so grand and how's the other CEO intimidating him because hes just new being a ceo.

The press gather someone spoke Mr. Lay Kim is here together with his only son Kim taehyung. Namjoon know that Mr. Kim is the most richest man in the korea. He want to know them.

The father and son enter the hallway. Every one bow to them, including namjoon. But they where police after them. Everyonee panic.

"Were here to capture Mr. Kim namjoon, for killing there only son, and kidnapping Mr. Min alex" said the police.

Namjoon was frozen, on his spot, he step back ward and ready to run. But Mr. Lay Kim pointed his fingers towards him then the police grab him.

"You have the right to remain silent, if you do say anything,what you say can be used against you in a court of law. You may right to consult with a lawyer " then the police grab namjoon out.

Taehyung, was just smiling. At last he's seokjin is now free in burden that he keep.

Taehyung father put the fake evidence, like the fake skeleton that have seokjin blood on it. He manage to report the torture of seokjin. Finally namjoon was sentence to rot in jail for being accomplish of his wife hoseok, killing seokjin. And torturing his new assistant. They got they deserve.

Taehyung spend times with seokjin, he knows he need to heal his trauma. After 2 years they get it thru. And now they are happy, laughing at their home. they welcome the new member of the family.

Seokjin and taehyung where happy to see there little boy. They name him jungkook. He also have a tail and a cat ears. On his left ear is white just like taehyung and he's right ear is black just like seokjin.

"Hello baby kookie, me and your appa will love and protect you from everyone." Seokjin smile to his husband.

"I promise you, you will never, live thru like they did to me. We promise to be a better parents  for you. I love you kookie" he smile to everyone was there.

" thank you, for everything you done for me, yoongi hyung, jimin hyung and you also Mr. Kim"

"called me father"

Seokjin smile "thank you father"

Yoongi and jimin got married and have a child that name sevie. Taehyung and seokjin got also married and have two more kids named roy and stella. As for his father he live in the mansion with his new family, he retired  and give his company at taehyung. He just hid his cat ears and tail. He also use contact lens for his eyes. As for him he became the greatest house husband in the world. And for his parents he learn to forgive them, but still they have to pay for what they have done.

The end

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