"Who's that?" Dalvin asked. "Ion know. He's been walkin' around for a couple minutes now," DeVante answered.

Dalvin gasped. "He must be looking for somethin' to steal! Grab a weapon!" The brothers rushed outside. DeVante grabbed the hose and Dalvin grabbed a rake.

"Yo!" Dalvin caught the young boy's attention, startling him. "Get your thievin' ass out our backyard!"

The young boy's face contorted into a look of confusion. "I'm sorry? I don't understand."

Darlene came out and pushed both of her brothers out the way. "Go back in the house!" She walked over to the boy, "I'm sorry for my brothers' behavior. They're both mentally challenged."

Dalvin raised one of his already arched eyebrows. "This must be that boyfriend of yours?"

DeVante pushed both of his siblings out of the way and towered over Darlene's boyfriend. "State your name, age, and what your plans in life are."

"My name's Randall and I'm fifteen," he began, "and I have a lot of plans in life. I wanna help orphans find homes, feed the homeless, be a tennis instructor, study psyc—"

"Yeah, you lost me." Dalvin cut him off.

"Byeee!" Darlene grabbed Randall's hand and tried to lead him out the backyard, but DeVante yanked his sister back by her hair, almost making her fall. "Go change before you go anywhere."

Darlene was wearing a blue crossover belly shirt with a black high waisted skirt, accompanied with some platform sandals. She put a hand on her hip, "What's wrong with my clothes?"

DeVante scrunched his face up, "You look like a hoochie." Dalvin nodded his head in agreeance. Darlene snatched the hose out of DeVante's hand, turning it on and spraying her older brothers, making both of them run back in the house.

She smiled as Randall stood from afar, slightly frightened. "Okay, we can go now!" She led him out the backyard and the two started their voyage to their date.

Dalvin and DeVante had changed their clothes once they made it into the house. "I'm glad I got all the water out my ears," Dalvin said, picking the keys up off the coffee table. "C'mon."

"Where we goin'?" DeVante walked over to the door.

"We gon' find out where Lene went with Remote!" The two left the house & went to go exploring.

After driving for about half an hour and stopping at Dairy Queen for ice cream, the brothers arrived at a roller skating rink that also had an arcade.

"Lene and that friend of hers is over there," DeVante spotted the two in the middle of the rink. Randall was trying to teach Darlene how to skate.

Dalvin held two ice cream cones in his hands. "I'm glad I got this two for one special," he licked the first one then licked the next.

"Forget about the damn ice cream and pay attention!" DeVante slapped one of the ice cream cones that Dalvin had to the floor, and the two then started fighting.

"Like this?" Darlene flowed on her roller skates. "Yeah, like that! You're doing great!" Randall congratulated her.

Suddenly, Darlene lost balance and almost fell but Randall raced over to her and caught her before she fell. "Well, you had a great start." He adverted his attention to the front of the rink, "Aren't those your brothers over there...?"

Darlene looked up and there were her brothers, fighting, in the flesh. "I'll be back." She told Randall before taking her skates off and going over to Dalvin and DeVante. She threw both of them, hitting DeVante in his chest and Dalvin in his head. "Why are you here?"

"Why'd you throw your roller skates?" DeVante completely ignored her question. "We're here to see what you and Raisin Brand were doing!" Dalvin held the side of his head.

Darlene rolled her eyes high to the ceiling. "His name is Randall and all we're doing is skating, as you can see, we're at a skating rink!"

"Um, Darlene?" Randall approached the three. "Go get me some fries, Randall." Darlene told the teen.

"But we just ate not too long ago—"

Darlene whipped her head to look back at Randall. "I said, go get me some fries, Randall."

A slightly intimidated Randall nodded and ran over to stand in the line to buy some fries.

Dalvin nervously laughed, "Look Lene, we know you're probably mad at us—"

"Him cause he dragged me here," DeVante corrected. "Anyway," Dalvin glared at his brother before continuing, "We're sorry, the brotherly-radar kicked in. You forgive us?"

Darlene stared at the two before a wide smile spread across her lips, "I guess."

Dalvin forced his two siblings into a group hug. "See, we knew you loved us!"

Darlene and DeVante shared a disgusted look before mumbling an "eww" and "get your ashy ass off me."

Enjoy the rest of your date!" Dalvin yelled out to Darlene as him and DeVante exited the building.

"Lene, I got your fries!" Randall said with a smile, on his way back over to his date, but falling in the process, making the fries spill out his hands. Darlene shook her head before letting out an exasperated sigh.

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