[92] Big Boss and Mini Boss

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There's a knock on the backdoor and Scorpia gets up to open it.

She finds a smiling Janet and Scorpia hugs her. "Hi, Janet. Good morning. Are you ready for a day of coffee making?"

"Good morning boss. So cool your hair!" She looks around Scorpia and says: "Good morning big boss and mini boss. Yep, I can't wait to get started. I brought a gift for Leo."

Logan chuckles, "Good morning, Janet. A gift for this little pirate?"

"Yes, from all of the girls." She hands the gift to Scorpia, who opens it right away.

She pulls the little shirt out and reads the text on it: 'Mini Boss'. Scorpia laughs and shows it to Logan.

"So cool! Let's put it on him!" He looks down at the sleeping Leo on his arm and whispers: "When he's awake."

Scorpia says: "I need to run to the store. Because I've seen something in the shop window that matches Leo's shirt perfectly. I'll be right back!" She grabs her wallet, sticks her feet into her biker boots, and runs out.

She saw something when she was out shopping with Leo yesterday. Matching sneakers for father and son and a shirt with Big Boss on it. She buys the shirt and the shoes for both men. The sneakers are black with red laces. The ones for Leo are made from soft fabric, but other than that they look exactly like the leather ones for Logan.

She runs back to the cafe and pauses on the threshold to look at Leo, who's sleeping against Logan's bare chest. She places a hand on her heart, "Oh my, my heart."

Logan grins at her and gets up to lay Leo down in the stroller. Scorpia hands him the bag with the shirt first and he pulls it out.

"Ah, I get it now. I love it. Leo definitely needs to wear his new shirt now."

He puts the new shirt on and Scorpia says: "I bought something else to make the look complete. She hands him the other bag and Logan opens the small shoebox first.

"Awww. These are so cute!" He opens the big box, "No Bonnie! Exactly the same!" He tears up and Scorpia walks over to him for a hug.

Scorpia kisses him softly and says: "To make sure everyone knows who his daddy is."

"Thank you, Bonnie." Logan puts his new sneakers on right away and grins. "Should I ask Janet to make you another one of those amazing cappuccinos?"

"Yes, but I'm going to shower first and put my Bonnie t-shirt on. And now that Leo's sleeping I can."

"No, because Marco is not here yet."

She looks confused and he adds: "I won't be able to join you."

"Okay, get me my cappuccino", she says amused. She sits down at the bar and Janet makes her one without asking. She thanks the girl for the coffee and the shirt and takes a big sip.

"Janet? Are you seeing someone?"

The girl shakes her head a bit shy.

"Could you wait a few years?"

Janet frowns and looks at Scorpia.

"So we can get married because you make the best cappuccino."

The girl bursts out in laughter and says: "That's a deal, boss."

Logan clears his throat, "What about me?"

"Well, you still have a few years. Maybe Janet is willing to teach you."

She sticks her tongue out at him and Janet giggles.

"Hell no! I'm marrying you and I'm not waiting years to do so!"

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