[70] Interview

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He walks back into the cafe and asks Marco if he and the boys ate dinner yet. Marco shakes his head and Logan says: "Go and get pizza. It's on me." Marco smiles and Logan hands him some money. Marco asks the boys what kind of pizza they would like and walks out to get them.

Ciro walks over to the bar and asks: "Do you still have those cheese cookies?"

Logan asks: "You mean the Parmesan ones?"

Ciro grins and says: "Yes, the ones Scorpia loves."

"Of course I do, I'd like to stay alive." Ciro laughs and Logan fills a bowl with the cookies. Ciro thanks him and walks back to the table. He presents the bowl to Flavio and Logan hears him say that they're Scorpia's favorite. Flavio grabs one and looks at Ciro with a smile on his lips.

Logan still doesn't get the relationship between the two guys, but Flavio looks nothing like the dangerous Don he is right now.

Marco comes back with the pizzas and sits down at the big table with the boys.

Logan walks over to Ciro and Flavio's table and looks at Ciro. "I don't want to bother you Ciro, but could you find something out for me tomorrow?"

Ciro scoots over and says: "Sit down for a minute Logan. What do you need me to find out?"

Logan sits down and looks at Flavio for a second, but turns his gaze back to Ciro quickly. "You know about Leo, right? The boy with one eye?"

Ciro nods and says: "Scorpia showed me the pictures. What about him?"

"Could you find out how you become mom and dad of a baby like that? Or foster parent? Or adoption? I have absolutely no clue how it all works and I don't want to ask Dani personally."

"Ah, I get it. I will ask Dani to research it all out and then I'll let you know. Or should I give the file to Scorpia when it's ready?"

Logan thinks about it for a second before saying: "Give the file to her. I want her to know that I was serious. And another thing... I would really love to take her to Scotland with me to meet my parents."

Ciro smiles and says: "You talked to them? And Scorpia is allowed to go on holiday anytime. She deserves the rest. She went from the tournament straight to buying a hotel and running a business. Without any experience, but with clenched fists and a heart full of love. That must have tired her out."

"Yes, I called my parents and they can't wait to meet her of course. I'm glad Ciro. I don't want her to relapse."

Flavio softly asks: "Wait a minute... She has no experience in running a business?"

Ciro laughs and says: "She went to school to become a teacher Flavio. She's a kindergarten teacher."

Flavio stares at Ciro and runs a hand through his hair. "Che Diavolo?"

Logan adds: "And a damn good boxer, dangerous killer, loving aunt, sister, daughter, lover. Harley rider, president... my dream woman."

He looks at Ciro and they both put their hands on their hearts, "Here. Forever. "

Flavio says: "On paper the dream of every man, but there are not many men who could handle a woman like that."

Ciro nudges Logan and says: "Logan can. He is perfect for her. He's a good boxer too and a killer. A sweet uncle and president of this cafe. And he is the reason I have my sister back in my life."

Flavio looks at Logan and asks: "Did you ever box against her?"

Ciro laughs and says, while nodding at Logan: "Batman mask, Barman."

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