[8] Otto - Remenisce

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zio = uncle  

bambina = child / girl


Logan— – –

Logan is sitting on his knees behind the bar to restock the small cooler there when he hears her laughter. He gets up, with a smile on his lips, and then notices she's not alone. He looks the man next to her over thoroughly as they walk up to the bar together. His eyes open wider in surprise and he asks: "Bruno?"

Scorpia looks from her brother to Logan and back with a shocked look on her face. Bruno looks at the man behind the bar and wonders where this guy knows him from. He squints and the penny starts to drop. "Wait a minute. You are that Logan?"

Logan smiles a bit shy and gets his wallet from his pocket. He pulls a wrinkled picture from it and hands it to Bruno. Bruno sees it's a picture from ten years ago, taken on the tournament in England. Standing next to him is a scrawny teenager, who followed him around for the week. He even coached the kid for one of his games. The boy had talent and he always wondered what happened to him. His eyes move from the picture to the man behind the bar and he laughs.

Scorpia takes the picture from Bruno to look at it herself and recognizes Logan immediately. Bruno walks around the bar and hugs Logan. Logan blushes and grins a bit uncomfortably. 

Bruno says: "It's been a long time man! I always hoped to run into you at another tournament someday."

Logan looks at the floor and mumbles. "I would have liked that. But my life took a less legal route." He looks at Scorpia and asks: "But how do you two know each other?"

Scorpia says: "Bruno is my brother. Not biologically, but in every other way imaginable." Logan is a bit flustered by this news and asks them if they want something to drink. They both order a coffee and Scorpia studies her brother's face, who is obviously brooding on something.

Bruno looks at her as he asks: "Do you still box Logan?"

Logan says: "No. I moved here about five years ago and left everything connected to boxing behind me in Scotland. And to be really honest I haven't fought legally after that tournament."

Bruno asks: "Would you be interested in training with me? Because I have an interesting sparring partner for you." Logan gives him a questioning look en sees him wink at Scorpia. She chuckles softly and Logan feels like he is missing a joke. Bruno says: "I've been training Scorpia for ten years now, but I can't keep up with her anymore. She is too fast. And if I remember correctly, you were the fastest boxer in that tournament.

Logan grins and says: "I would love to see her in the ring at least. But I doubt I'm a match for her. I haven't done anything sporty in the past five years."

Scorpia sips her coffee and listens to the conversation between the two men.

Bruno asks: "Did they draft you for illegal fighting?" Logan's eyes flash from Bruno to Scorpia and he is not sure he's comfortable answering the question.

Scorpia gets up and says: "I'm sure you two talk easier without me here. I'll go home and cuddle the love of my life." She winks at Bruno and looks at Logan, before saying: "Bye Logan. See you next time." She grabs her helmet from the barstool next to her en walks towards the exit. Logan watches her walk out, feeling a bit strange.

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