Hear me...

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~~~Standing behind him looking down at the already familiar scene, time moves in slow motion while the faintest blue hue surrounds the two of you, blanketing your figures with its soft caress as he holds you in his arms clinging to your limp figure he cries over your chest softly, begging quietly between pained sobs for you not to leave, not to abandon him, not like everyone else. To please stay, to come back to him, he whispers "you promised...(y/n) you swore...you said you'd always be with me...you'd never leave...why..." Surprisingly you don't feel sad...of course besides not getting to say goodbye no, instead the times before visiting the void, now made sense as they were only trips trying to prepare your mind to accept that someday this would be home, that you'd forever be trapped in the black abyss with only the silent hue of love constantly begging for your return. But not this time...this time you knew it was permanent, forever, there would be no coming back.

Slowly reaching out placing a hand upon his shoulder wishing with everything that he could feel your touch, feel how much you love him...how much you will always love him...how much you've always loved him. But the only thing he does is scream into the air cursing at his own stupidity for leaving James alive, knowing he'll blame himself forever makes you frown, and your words go unnoticed "Kylo...I'm here...I haven't left you...I would never..." watching him rip at the front of the dress revealing the fatal wound, it pierces straight through your heart, releasing the smallest gasp your hand instinctively clutches at the spot where the wound should be but there's nothing, no blood, no pain, no injury. While grasping onto your chest slowly kneeling behind him the hand upon his shoulder slips down finding its way to his own wound, surprisingly you're able to feel the warmth of his blood, feel the pulsation of the open veins gushing all over his tunic, you watch helplessly as it pools around him slowly mixing within your own. His own hand trembles over the pouring blood of your injury trying to stop whatever is left, but it's no use he knows he can't bring you back...he'll never be able to feel you again, to taste you, hold you, or love you...and knowing that, the suddenness of it could surely kill him far before the blood loss.

Hux reluctantly tries pulling him away demanding that he go to the medical ward while Kylo screams that he's just as much to blame, that he was in charge of making sure James was locked away, making for certain that nothing like this could ever happen. Anger tries to rise again making itself known with darkened shifts of red pushing through the blue hue, threatening to diminish it completely, the tone in his voice deep and harsh "I should...kill...yo you....just...like...." Kylo begins to sway slowly losing consciousness hugging even tighter to your figure his focus returns to you, softly he kisses at your lips repeatedly sobbing that he loves you, his trembling hand grasps around the blood soaked kyber necklace squeezing so tightly it's pointed edges force his palm to bleed right as he collapses over your dead body, still clutching you tightly within his arms a few last words slip from his lips "forever (y/n)...forever you should have been mine...I'm sor...sorry..."

Various people run to his aid lifting him from your frame, the necklaces chain pulls against your fallen figure until it ultimately snaps keeping the crystal remaining within his grasp as he's carried away from the traumatic scene. You're stuck in place reaching out for him, for anyone silently you plead "I'm still here...don't leave me..." But the further away he goes the darker everything becomes, the blue light fading with him, now unable to see him everything fully engulfs with darkness only the muffled sound of sobs could be heard before everything slowly turns silent and death takes you away.

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