Never going to happen

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Not entirely knowing how to respond the words try leaving your mouth but only come out in small barely legible one worded phrases "I ..." "well..." "maybe..." Kylo sighs "(y/n) you swore your oath to the first order, to our empire, to me..." trying to turn around in the now, noticeably small seat "what? Wait? Of course, I am still devoted to the you... but you asked me a question and I was not going to lie... I simply meant I would love to at least be able to visit someday, we're running a whole new empire now, that means we could do whatever we wanted and if that meant making peace and trying to rule the galaxy as a whole then we should at least try. At least to let me meet your mother..." again he tenses speaking rougher "(y/n) you're never going to meet her, let that illusion go."

Frowning knowing that he's serious, allowing silence fill the ship once more turning back around staring out into the darkness, softly you begin speaking up again "you hide yourself away from the light, but I know it's still inside you, begging to be unleashed. Maybe that's why I was sent to bring you back to the light, to bring Ben Solo back to his mother...back to the..." suddenly his fist slams down onto the ships control pad forcing the fighter to jerk to the side harshly, flinging your figure forwards, shutting your eyes tightly expecting to fall to the floor but instead feeling his large hand outstretched over your abdomen once more. The only sound breaking the silence was the returned soft humming of the fighter and Kylo's breathing as he tries to calm back down, with each breath you can feel his chest push into your back until he's finally stable and the heaving subsides. His slow voice nearly startles you "(y/n) you weren't sent to me to bring me back to the *light* (he says with a sarcastic tone) you were brought to me to show me that no matter what side I'm on... that I'm still capable of love...of loving...and being were sent to protect my shouldn't matter what side that heart belongs too."

Rising your hand placing it over his resting upon your stomach "Kylo I do love you and will always protect your heart, where we choose to rule is completely up to you...I will always follow by your I've said before and as I've shown by not leaving, not abandoning you like some many others have..." awkwardly shuffling in the seat until your turned completely around with both legs now squished beside his meaty thighs, allowing you to look him in the eye. Slowly leaning in your lips press into his, momentarily fearing that he's going to pull away but instead he kisses back hot and rushed, his hands travel down your back until they rest perfectly upon your hips then with a quick jerk he's totally eliminated any space between the two of you roughly pulling your body against him. Kissing him passionately feeling him tremble beneath knowing that's one of his biggest fears, to lose you, to be abandoned once more, trying to show him with each slow pressing of your lips that you're here forever and that you belong only to him. One of his hands rise along your side, up and around your back until a handful of hair entangles within its leather grip, with a rough tug he breaks the kiss forcing a gasp from your mouth shifting in the seat bringing himself to sit taller than you making it easier to lean in and kiss along the outline of your jaw making little wet marks all the way to your ear where he nibbles softly whispering "our home is within the first order, we belong to the dark side, I belong to the dark side...and you belong to me."

That last bit sends a rush of heat throughout, ultimately leading all the way down to the spot between your legs, all while Kylo's other hand makes it way straight to your throat where it easily wraps around squeezing softly. With a frustrating grunt he quickly unties the red cloak letting its own heaviness pull it from your shoulders it softly gathers at your hips, kissing at your ear while slowly making his way down your neck proclaiming bit by bit ... "you"...."belong"... "to me." Barely able to answer, what comes out is a quiet moan before the response "forever" lingers upon your lips, obviously liking the response he slightly groans before lowering his teeth onto your neck kissing and biting at the tender flesh. The whole galaxy goes quiet again except for the humming wet sounds of Kylo's lips kissing and sucking what's soon to be a red mark upon your throat, pulling back but not before letting out another pleasurable moan "do not leave a mark on my neck the day before our wedding!"

Grumbling he says "your right..." before returning his lips to your skin kissing down your collarbone while reaching up and tugging the sweater down even further until your whole breast is nearly exposed "I should just do it somewhere only I can see" before you could protest his mouth is connected again kissing, licking, and biting passionately. Every part of your being wants this to continue, to feel the growing bulge between your legs deep inside, but instead reluctantly and stupidly the words out of your mouth are "Kylo, it's just me and you up here..." the hand holding onto your hair frustratingly pulls away making its way to your other breasts cupping it in his grasp kneading lustfully he groans "I can be as loud as you want..."

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