Fire hot butterflies

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Opening your eyes to the sound of an alarm immediately questioning if last night was a dream or not, remembering the events as they flash through your mind over and over. 'At least he doesn't know I was in there that's my only saving grace.' Rising from bed heading towards the closet, choosing a beautiful dark red lace top with long sleeves and a high neck, pairing it with black slacks and a regular pair of pumps. Happy to wear something other than solid black for once heading to the vanity, applying a makeup look to match the outfit staring at yourself 'I look good in red, I wonder if Kylo will think so as well...'

After eating a simple breakfast, heading towards the commander's room making sure to take your time getting there 'I don't want to see him face to face this morning.' Entering the passcode, walking inside relieved he is nowhere in sight, heading straight to the side of his bed peeking underneath it.

Gasping you don't see your underwear anywhere 'holy shit, okay breathe.... breathe... it's okay maybe it was just a dream after all...' trying to calm yourself but failing miserably. Redirecting your focus, beginning to clean everything from top to bottom anything to refocus your mind, once finished the room is sparkling grabbing his dirty laundry cramming it into the hamper. The walk to the laundry room gives you plenty more time to freak out 'I know it wasn't a dream... where could they be? Maybe I kicked them under the dresser, I'll check that when I go back.' Placing his laundry into the washing machines watching with a horrifying look as your panties come tumbling out of his sheets onto the floor, heart stopping as you pick them up noticing they are covered in white stains.

Quickly shoving them into your pocket 'that is an awfully big stain for just yourself... could it be....' shaking your head realizing how stupid that sounds 'but they were in his sheets... he must have found them...' Half dying from embarrassment and half intrigued at the thought of what he did with them, passing the time day dreaming while waiting for his laundry to finish.

After replacing his fresh laundry, shyly heading towards his office heart beating out of your chest, walking inside to see him back turned to you facing out a big window. "Kylo... err um commander sir... I am done with my morning chores was there anything else you needed from me..." He turns facing you staring for longer than comfortable before slowly walking towards you, each step makes your heart beat faster. Stopping only a foot from you he slides his helmet off, watching as his curls fall from the metal stopping at the tips of his shoulders moving your eyes to his face glancing at his soft lips feeling the longing inside your soul. Resting upon his warm eyes feeling as if you could completely melt into his arms, the feeling quickly replaced by your rigid frozen body as his hand reaches up to your own face cupping it with his large palm.

His other arm reaches around your side resting gently on the small of your back. "Sir... what are you doing.." saying nothing he leans closely whispering in your ear while reaching into your pocket sliding the stained panties from them "I see you found these, I know you were watching me and you should know I was thinking about you while I created this stain." While he brings the panties around into view, they hang from only two of his outstretched fingers. Immediately turning fire hot with embarrassment, yanking the underwear from his hand quickly turning heading for the door before realizing you are frozen in place by the force.

"Please let me go commander, what I did was inappropriate and unacceptable I will ask for a transfer immediately I apologize." Hearing his approaching footsteps, preparing for anything at this point he has you seriously confused. Flinching when feeling him press into your back before wrapping his arms around you gently, moving your hair from your neck saying "please don't go, I'm not mad (y/n) I find you impossibly hard to get off my mind. Stay and join me for lunch." Turning around face only inches from his searching his eyes for any signs of deception before relaxing, slowly pulling out from his embrace "I don't know what you want from me commander, I am your employee."

Watching as his facial expression fade into sadness, causing a pain within your heart you didn't like seeing him so upset, as he straightens out his clothes "my apologies (y/n) I must have read this situation wrong. You can transfer anywhere you would like anytime. If you will excuse me, I must go." Grabbing his hand, sucking in a breath of air before surprising even yourself "commander... I... I don't want to transfer... if you don't want me too... and I'd love to have lunch with you..." he pauses back still facing you before saying "meet me in the dining hall in 30 minutes, I will be waiting." Releasing your hand, he walks out leaving you confused and full of butterflies 'what does he want from me? Am I making a mistake?'

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