One night before a lifetime of nights

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Arriving back on base the fighter hovers above the ground before landing with a thud, Kylo remains seated softly wrapping his arms around your figure hugging from behind "I know my actions are confusing sometimes...but someday you'll understand why I choose to stay here, all that matters right now is that you know how much I love you. Now, come dinner must be nearly ready by now." Gently pushing you off his lap the two of you make your way off the ship down the ramp where Kylo keeps his hand tightly locked within your own knowing that returning back to normal gravity can sometimes be a little disorientating, dinner was mostly quiet the two of you seemingly lost in thought. It wasn't until he accidentally knocked over his fourth cup of wine spilling it all over himself that either of you spoke, his quick curse words filled the room followed by a sudden silence just before your own laughter cut the tension again "feeling a little clumsy are we? Has the Supreme leader had too much to drink?" Grinning he replies "no more than you've had, and if I recall you don't hold your liquor quiet as well as I do..." letting out another giggle "says the one covered in Cabernet..." patting away at his trousers Kylo glances up staring at his bride to be "(y/n) tomorrow is nearly here and I just want you to know that I can't wait to spend forever with night away will be worth it for a lifetime of nights together."

Taken aback by his statement almost choking on your food "night away? What are you talking about?" Kylo gulps knowing he's waited too long to mention it "it's sort of a rule within the order, whenever there is a wedding no matter how rare that occasion may be...the couples aren't supposed to be together the final night before..." knowing the statement would upset you he quickly rushes to speak before you can "but! It is only the one-night (y/n) and..." cutting him off "only one night? I don't care if it's one hour nobody should get to tell me when I can or can't be with you...I've been picturing this night for months...lying in your arms one last time as only your girlfriend or fiancé whatever you want to call this but...knowing that the next day I'd be forever yours was something I wanted to experience with you...not alone."

Kylo frowns knowing he's disappointed you "(y/n) I should have told you sooner...and I had planned on telling you today on the fighter but that went in a different...direction (letting out a deep sigh) trust me there is no place I'd rather be tonight than lying next to you...holding you...loving you. But I've tried to get out of it and I've been met with nothing but trouble, it's for the best interest of our empire...traditions must be upheld..." finishing off your glass of wine then setting the cup down rather harshly, crossing your arms and looking away "you're the Supreme leader, it doesn't make sense that you can't over turn this...but fine... I guess I will spend the night in my old quarters. Alone, doors down from where J...he...used to stay...because that's really what I want to think about on the night before my wedding..." slowly reaching for his own glass tipping it back against his lips letting the last bits of remaining wine slide down his throat before gently setting it back upon the candle lit table you listen while it creates small echoing circular motions before finally resting in place.

Eyeing his figure from across the room watching its silhouette stand, slowly making its way around the table in your direction, before he arrives your eyes shut tight trying to hold back the sudden urge to cry but it's completely useless when his arms gently wrap around your frame hugging your figure pressing your head to his lower abdomen softly stroking your hair "don't cry (y/n) you know I hate when I've upset you...I promise I'm just as upset by this as you but...somethings aren't worth arguing about. The fuss it would create for me to bend the rules when they've been followed for so long would...not sit well..." the light caress of his hand slides down your cheek slipping a few fingers beneath your chin lifting your head upwards to face him, opening your eyes seeing his beautiful stern expression towering from above forces tears to fall from your cheeks. Quickly wrapping your arms around him they squeeze tightly, pressing your face closer to the spot just above his pelvis, uncontrollably feeling as if you were being ripped away from him forever your mind fills with negativity 'don't let him go (y/n) never let him go!' "This is bullshit! I just want to be with you Kylo! Please do not make me sleep alone in that room that never fully felt like home! Please!"

Surprising even yourself by kissing at his stomach, kissing repeatedly through his textured tunic leaving hints of red scattered around from hip to hip begging him with your lips not to let go. Kylo stands still allowing you to shower him in affection while tenderly swiping his hand over the back of your head running your hair through the slits between his fingers, holding steady for a few moments before reaching for both of your arms unlatching you from his waist he lowers himself to eye level. Staring at his beautiful hazel eyes they glow within the dim candle lit room barely revealed beneath his long curly dark hair hanging beside his face, softly his hand brushes along your cheek letting his fingers slip over your lips "oh (y/n)...I would never make you sleep in that cold empty room. There's nothing left in there but a bed and bad memories, will have our quarters and I will be sleeping in one of the bunkers." Leaning forwards his lips press into your softly lining the shape of them together they kiss gently and passionately while his arms bring your figure to stand "it's only one night before a lifetime of forever nights...think you can handle that for me?"

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