New sensations

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Whole body tensing while trying to scoot away feeling both fingers slide out "wait how did you know her name?" chuckling while sitting up bringing the two fingers to his mouth slowly licking your juices off "don't look at me like that, you were moaning it in your sleep. Couldn't happen to be the girl from earlier could it?" Glancing down feeling embarrassed while simply nodding "I'm sorry it's not like I meant to dream about her, I ran into her in the hallway and I guess she was just on my mind..." he doesn't respond instead leaning over messing with something on the floor it's light briefly illuminates the room before sitting back up placing a large hand along your thigh the wetness on his fingers linger along your skin "(y/n) look at me..." reluctantly glancing upwards placing the hand on your cheek close enough you can smell the sweetness of your core on the fingers "you know that I wouldn't be upset if you found her attractive right?"

Looking into his eyes noticing he's intently watching your figure they dart from your face to your breasts down to your thighs then back to your face "I guess...I just, I don't know I didn't want it to seem like I wanted to cheat on you with her or something, I mean hell Kylo I've never actually been attracted to any woman I don't know what's different with her...I'm so confused." Sitting on your knees feeling his eyes watch you the entire way "well let's see...she's tall, dark, mysterious...has long dark hair...sound familiar?" Quickly looking back at him the sudden realization hits "oh shit that's it! She is the female version of you! That is why I am so into her; it all makes sense now!" Chuckling he responds "so what was the real dream?" looking off in the distance trying to remember fragments of it "well it's kind of foggy now but I know um... oh yeah well you were all over her touching and groping her, then just before I woke up she started touching me."

A playful grin lines his face while leaning back over brushing a few fingers along the outside of your bra "oh she was huh...was she touching you here?" Closing your eyes inhaling deeply "yes..." the feeling of his hand sliding down your stomach sends prickling tingles all over while the fingers slip into the band of your underwear "what about here?" Lying back onto the bed arching your back with a quiet sighing "mmhmm..." slowly his fingers slip beneath the underwear again softly rubbing along the outer lips adding pressure before the same fingers from before push back through immediately driving inside forcing out a twitching moan "even here?" He says while very slowly moving the hand in a wave motion removing and reentering the two fingers little by little, biting your bottom lip both hands grasp onto the sheets squeezing tightly while softly moaning "yes...especially there..."

The sudden sound of the hatch opening grabs your attention, barely sitting up the immediate shock of seeing Carmen walking towards the bedroom makes you quickly pull his hand out from inside while tugging at the covers trying to hide your almost nude figure. Before you can speak she strides into the bedroom "you sent for me sir?" fully inside the room she stops dead in her tracks obviously taking in the scenery, her eyes dart towards Kylo checking out his naked torso only momentarily before gluing onto you staring for what seems like forever they travel from your blushed face down to the tugged cover as it poorly hides the outline of your breasts beneath its silky fabric. Kylo pulls her from thought "I did, turns out my love has been fantasizing about you and to be quite honest I was curious to see why." Her raspy toned voice responds, "she what...?" pulling the sheet almost up over your head "Oh my gosh Kylo don't tell her that!!!!" He gestures for her to come forward until she is standing a few feet away from him, sliding to the edge of the bed he commands her to the floor "on your knees."

Without hesitation she obeys falling to a sexual squatting position staring up at him, reaching out a hand it brushes along her cheek "pretty little thing, aren't you? I know what you think of my (y/n) I heard those thoughts in my office just as clear as I hear them now...oh you can smell her is that're right these fingers..." watching him slide them along her lips you can't help but peek from behind the sheet "they were inside her...would you like a taste? I promise it tastes just as sweet as it smells..." her gaze shifts towards you as she parts her lips allowing him to push both fingers into her mouth it only takes a moment before her eyes roll back and her tongue dances around them with a soft humming coming from her mouth. Kylo lets out a sharp grunt "you sure know how to use that tongue of yours...(y/n) come here." Sitting frozen on the bed unable to move he turns sideways gripping onto your hip pulling you into his lap before shifting back around pushing you down and forward so your ass is just at the edge of the bed, slowly one hand skims along your stomach sliding along a breast lingering for a moment he squeezes its sensitive shape in his hand while lining your shoulder with wet heavy kisses again "do you want her to show you how well she can use it?"

Looking slightly back feeling as if your heart could beat out of your chest "I uh...I don't this okay Kylo?" Kissing your neck whispering near your ear "you don't have to do anything you don't want too; I can make her leave just as quickly as she arrived. But before she goes take a good look at her..." looking back down at her obeying position she stares up at you while slowly licking at her lips "she wants you...her thoughts are so loud..." quietly questioning "isn't this considered cheating though? I do not want to ever make you feel like I did with Jam..." gripping hard on your breast "do not say his name. This is different...I'm aware of what's happening and honestly hoping I can join." Jerking to the sudden hard squeeze releasing a pained gasp "I wouldn't have it any other way, I'll agree on two conditions." His hand slides along your other breast before traveling up towards your throat where is teases with light gentle grips "and they are...?"

The pressure of his lips resume on your shoulder kissing to each returning grip making you pulsate below " can't kill her afterwards like the troopers (hearing her shuffle slightly to that sentence) and have to promise you won't go falling in love with her over me." Feeling his hand slide around your back fumbling for only a second before unclasping your bra letting it fall to the floor, again he whispers in your ear "I'll never love anyone else but you...ever."

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