Let him rot

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*warning some content regarding talk of sexual assault and physical abuse ahead*

James remains curled up on the floor only making my anger grow stronger, again flinging him up easily forcing him back against the nearest wall hearing his head smack loudly along its metal frame. Watching as he poorly reaches back touching the sore spot before bringing his hand into view letting his mouth gape open at the sight of the bloodied fingers "alright! I get it! I fucked up okay!? But I was not going to do anything to her! Just simply scare her is all, I swear!" Walking closer holding a hand inches from his face suddenly pulling images from his mind, flashes of everything come flooding in memories of him and (y/n) back on someone unknown planet holding hands, laughing, kissing and...forcing that image away more replacing it, now it's him yelling at her telling her how ugly and useless she is that everything is her fault just as he raises his fist bringing it down towards her face the image shifts again.

This time it's him speaking to someone of a higher rank upon the same planet, the words are chopped but somehow managing to understand that he requested a transfer to this base that he knew all along that she was here and it had always been his intention to lure her back in, to use her just so that he could brag about it with his friends. Focus comes in and out for a moment just long enough to catch a glimpse of his coiled figure painfully trying to fight back the intrusion, smirking "stop resisting, I'll take whatever I want from within your pathetic little mind." pushing back inside even harder than before pulling more from within. Watching as he regained her trust just when she was most vulnerable, that he knew all along her heart belong to someone else but that he did not care all he wanted was to fuck her one last time. With that note the thoughts of her and him within the glass room come pouring in, watching firsthand as he roughly touches and kisses at her delicate skin, how does he not notice her squirming beneath him? Upon him ripping at her hose, anger fumes within having not known fully what had happened that night, watching him fumble with what he calls a cock trying to hastily shove it inside her.

Almost breaking the connection not wanting to see if he succeeded but remembering that (y/n) has said she pulled away, giving her the benefit of the doubt waiting for a moment. Relieved at her denial but infuriated with his overbearing thoughts, hearing his inner voice "just grab her, take what's rightfully yours, you know she wants it. Shove yourself inside, show her what she has been missing! She will warm up to it eventually! Just fuck her! Fucking fuck her tight little hole!" Instantly pulling away grabbing the saber resting along my hip quickly igniting it while pinning it inches from his throat, watching him tremble beneath its flickering blade "you rapist mother fucker! Did you seriously think you would have gotten away with violating her like that!? Had you even attempted to force yourself inside her I would have cut that insufficient dick off long ago, and I would have taken pleasure in watching you choke upon its pitiful size as I shoved it down your fucking throat!!"

Hours go by and the torture continues, taking my time to break at least three more fingers along with a heavy stomp upon his toes crushing at least a few while also using my saber to cut tiny little scorch marks all along his figure taking my time to enjoy every blood curdling scream he releases, using all my strength not to push the blade into his chest even though it begs to end his life. At one point somehow breaking free if only for a moment slamming his head into mine, a decision he soon was regretting as I reciprocated the gesture with a hard rib snapping blow to his torso pulling the breath from within his lungs. "Fuck!!! I must admit I've been waiting for this moment for so long to finally feel your skin break beneath my fist, to let my saber cut into your flesh...but all good things must come to an end, right?"

Standing back a few feet bringing the fiery blade directly in-front of his bloody, bruised face rising it up preparing to swing it down finally ending his worthless life. Just before the saber meets his neck the look upon his face changes from fear to....acceptance or desire, instantly knowing that look pulling the saber back recoiling it "ah...I get it now...killing you would only easy your suffering...a look I'm all too familiar with. Honestly, it is a shame I was so looking forward to slicing you in half, giving my saber the feel of murder upon her blades once more. But...instead...I think I will leave you alive, alone...begging for deaths kiss." James looks back up almost begging for the slaying "just fucking end it already!" Chuckling as he begs "no...I don't think I will, but don't worry I'll come visit you from time to time. Forever is an eternity and those bones will need re-breaking, rest assured as long as you're within this cell you'll never experience pleasure again. Never feel the warm touch of the sun upon your skin, the comforting embrace of a loved one, the filling heat from a hot meal, the pleasure of sticking your cock inside a beautiful woman....oh...but that's right... you couldn't do that last one even if you weren't locked in my cell."

Not knowing which remark stung the most but either way enjoying every second of his wounded face and figure "most importantly...you will never see (y/n) again, never even be in the same room as her. Never see her beauty, smell her sweet rose scent, feel the touch of her velvet skin. But do not worry I'll be enjoying all of those things for you, forever...as you slowly rot and decompose down in this damp hole." Standing tall satisfied with the pain I've inflicted heading towards the door leaving him struggling to stand, just before slipping out the doors his defeated voice speaks from behind "you'll regret everything you've ever done to me Kylo Ren, but even more importantly you'll regret not killing me when you had the chance." Turning around and with only two large strides standing inches from his broken figure towering over it then swiftly taking the end of the heavy metal hilt striking it straight against his cheek forcing him to the ground knocked out cold, spitting on his limp body before leaving him folded on the floor with so much blood trickling from his face its origins were unknown, striding past the guards on their way into the cell "leave him! No medical aid is to be provided, if the prisoner shows any signs of delinquency I am to be informed immediately! And if he tries to escape, he is to be killing on sight! Do I make myself clear?!"

Upon their compliance stomping away heading straight for the quarters, the entire way there my veins coarse with burning hot rage, there's only one person in the entire galaxy who can calm the boil within and she's currently refusing my touch 'we'll see about that.' The closer the room gets the more I am unable free her from my mind, imagining each inch of her body lined with lustful marks as she grinds along my length. Grumbling to yourself trying to fumble with the keypad, getting more and more frustrated with the repeated rejection it refuses to read my trembling, sweaty palm. Almost breaking it again, finally the hatches swing open allowing me to march in immediately eyeing her sitting up in bed staring in my direction her face gives way that I've startled her but even under that frown the way she stares up at my figure pierces into my soul 'look at her silently begging for my loving caress...I'm sorry my dear (y/n) but touching you tonight will be anything but gentle...' unable to control the hunger within, mind bogged with images of her bent over jerking violently to the hard fucking I'm about to unleash. Feeling myself grow hard making the leather pants squeeze around my pulsating member Deeply commanding "come here."

*end kylo's view*

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