Trailing shadow

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Waiting for Kylo to finish doing whatever it is that consumes so much of his time was rather boring, finding yourself wandering the halls watching all the various workers preform their daily duties. Most of them completely ignored you but a few stared for longer than a moment 'I wonder what they could be thinking, it could be anything from that's the girl who hurt James, to that's the girl fucking the Supreme leader.' Either way not giving into their condescending looks walking with your head held high knowing that by tomorrow there will be no question of your position within the first order, you are more than Kylo's toy and if anyone tries anything they will easily end up just like James. Thinking about him makes your mind wonder 'where did he take off to, is he gone forever, did he just up and leave the base? If he did leave how did he disappear without anyone noticing, what if he never left and he's still here hiding somewhere....waiting for the perfect opportunity to take his revenge?' Quickly shaking your head 'no that's not possible Kylo has every single trooper on the base looking for him, they have been informed to shoot on sight...Kylo would never let him harm me.'

Walking down an older hallway the metal lined walls have not been renovated in quite some time, curiosity keeps you pressing forwards until you have found yourself in a room full of old fighter parts and various other machinery. Stepping inside the dark poorly lit room noticing it's colder than other parts of the base, striding through all the fallen pieces gliding a hand along some of the sharp shredded metal scrapes trying to imagine what happened for them to be so destroyed 'I wonder if Kylo was a part of any of these battles?' Staring at the devastating piles a rotten filling creeps from within 'actually I don't want to know if he was involved in any of these...the thought of him leaving for battle and never returning is too much.' One ship is completely blasted in half both large parts rest next to each other, while glancing inside quickly placing a hand over your mouth letting out a gasp because the pilots chair is mangled and torn with lingering maroon stains. The scene catches you off guard jerking back slipping on a small shard of metal then falling against another fallen fighters wreckage creating a loud ricocheting crash throughout the empty room, sighing heavily while gripping onto one of the fighters wings pulling yourself up "well that was unexpected, why would they just leave the seat covered in blood how disrespectful!"

Brushing off your dress while heading towards the door 'enough exploring for today what's next I find a dead body?' Reaching for the old dusty hatch something catches your eye off in the distance, it was quick black shadow darting off behind a pile of wreckage. Quickly darting your gaze in that direction "hello... is somebody there?" The room is completely silent which only makes the situation that more eerie, giving one last glance over the hoard before dipping out of the room. Once outside walking away still looking back over your shoulder suddenly bumping into something tall and hard, before even turning your head the feeling of a hand grips onto your arm making you scream out loud. Finally seeing what or who you've bumped into it takes a moment to register that it's the girl from Kylo's office her tall darkened frame barely visible in the lowly lit hallway, her hand holds on your arm for longer than a few moments before she pulls it away resting it over her torso holding shyly onto her other arm responding with a soft velvety smooth voice "oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to frighten you."

Feeling embarrassed by her beauty and being caught off guard "what are you doing here were you following me?!" Pausing for a moment before slowly rising her hand slipping her long black hair behind her ear, making it so the low light barely illuminates her soft blushing cheek, shuffling in place she bites at her bottom up which you stare at for longer than meaning too "uh...yeah I actually was, I saw you leaving the Supreme leaders office and I sort of couldn't help myself I was curious to see where you were going. Then I saw you go down this creepy hallway and quite honestly I was a little worried for your safety." Scoffing at her "okay creepy much...and besides I don't need anyone to look after me I'm a big girl I can take care of myself, just so you know I'm force sensitive I can handle whatever comes my way." The quietest giggle slips out of her mouth as she slowly removes her dark hood revealing more of her gorgeous locks "oh I see, well if that's the case I guess you can handle that guy creeping up behind you then..." quickly spinning around holding both fists up feeling as if your heart is about to explode from your chest, anger fuming after noticing the space behind you is completely empty "seriously not cool! I thought there was..." the words cease instantly as a small shiny object flings right past your face stabbing into the metal door.

Turning around swiftly "what the hell was that?!" letting out more quiet giggles she walks past you almost in slow motion, watching her in awe the way her dress glides along the floor with ease almost as if she's floating, watching her long hair brush along the top of her hips swaying gently with each step she carries herself like a goddess. Stopping in front of the object she pulls it out of the door before turning back towards you, leisurely wiping the shining blade with two fingers removing any bit of remaining debris "had there actually been someone there you would have been dead long before my warning, thankfully there wasn't and thankfully for you I've been trained for battle since I was a little girl. I wouldn't have let anything happen to that pretty little face of yours..." eyes widening while both cheeks flush hot and pink "I...uh... thanks I I'm not really sure you understand my position here within the order I'm actually Ren's..." cutting you off mid-sentence with the slow rise of her dress revealing her long stocking covered leg as she slips the knife back into the holster around her thigh "Ren's what?"

Blinking a few times before standing up tall collecting yourself "I'm his future empress, and I know what you were thinking about during the interview he told me and might I just say how inappropriate it is for someone..." letting the dress fall back to the floor she stands about six inches away while slowly reaching out grasping the kyber necklace in her fingers with a light tug she eliminates the space between you two. Feeling your heart beating rapidly, she's so close you can smell the soft vanilla scent rising from her skin, lifting the pointed end of the saber crystal up towards your lips she softly drags it along the bottom "I suppose that's who gifted you this then..." Standing and staring at her completely frozen in place not knowing what's going to happen next and not knowing how you'll respond, thankfully she releases the necklace letting it fall back between your breasts as she pulls away "Shame...anyways the names Carmen, if you change your mind I wouldn't hesitate to show you exactly what I was thinking."

Feeling so embarrassed you could faint "Um no that won't be necessary thank you!" stepping around her trying to quickly leave the awkward situation "oh and next time could you please not sneak up on someone, especially in a dark creepy room." Just before slipping around the corner barely catching the muffled "what?" coming from where you left her 'oh come on like she needs to continue playing dumb, I already caught her following me just admit to it geez.'

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